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Selbstkalibrierende Steuerung für ressourcenschonende Bewässerung in der Landwirtschaft

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In Switzerland, water-saving irrigation will become more important in future. Potential leaching, the influence of irrigation on plant health and the consequences of climate change have to be considered.

In practically relevant irrigation experiments the settings of an irrigation control based on soil moisture sensors were optimized with respect to water demand and yield. The most important parameters of the control are the dry threshold value and the target value of irrigation. In order to avoid leaching the target value was always below field capacity. The irrigation experiments were conducted in the years 2013 - 2015 as field trials with Brussels sprouts (drip irrigation) and onion crops (sprinkler irrigation) on the one hand and with tomato, eggplant and cucumber crops in greenhouses (drip irrigation) on the other part.

The sensor-based self-regulating irrigation control resulted in an up to three times better water efficiency compared to manually controlled irrigation without yield reduction, because irrigation never started too early, but always before drought stress symptoms have occurred.

Impacts of irrigation on plant health were significant in some cases or they could otherwise only be seen as trends due to other influences. A direct influence was evident in soil-borne diseases.