Tobias Wildhaber
Tobias Wildhaber
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Research Group Green Space Development
Grüentalstrasse 14
8820 Wädenswil
Work at ZHAW
Research Associate in the Green Space Development Research Group
- Teaching activities in the Bachelor's modules of the specialization Urban Ecosystems
- Research and development work in projects of the research group Green Space Development
- Academic advising for Bachelor's students
- Co-leadership of the Natural Gardening and Landscaping Course
- Member of the editorial team for the IUNR Magazine
Education and Continuing education
- Master of Science / Environment and Natural Ressources
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
09 / 2020 - 06 / 2023 - Bachelor of Science / Natural Resource Sciences
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
09 / 2015 - 06 / 2018 - Chemist EFZ
Allgemeine Berufsschule Zürich
08 / 2004 - 07 / 2008
Membership of networks
Social media
- Schwammstadt-Projekt Schulhaus Kreuzgut Schaffhausen / Team member / Project ongoing
- Potenzialstudie Schwammstadt Schaffhausen / Deputy project leader / Project ongoing
- Entwicklung Konzept Beratungs- und Förderprogramm Natürlich Schaffhausen / Team member / Project ongoing
- Entwicklung Praxishandbuch «Klimaangepasste Pflanz- und Grünflächen» / Project leader / Project ongoing
- Fokus Biodiversität 2.0 / Deputy project leader / Project ongoing
- Förderung der Biodiversität auf Flächen des Strassenbegleitgrüns durch innovative maschinelle Pflegemassnahmen / Team member / Project ongoing
- Reference values and quality criteria for biodiversity in settlement areas / Team member / Project completed
- Entwicklung Visualisierung Stadtbaumkonzept Schaffhausen / Team member / Project completed
- Urbanes Vegetationsmonitoring in der Stadt Wädenswil / Deputy project leader / Project completed
- Entwicklung Arbeitshilfe - Musterbestimmungen zur Förderung von Biodiversität und Landschaftsqualität im Siedlungsgebiet / Team member / Project completed
- FRMneo - Neue Instrumente für das naturnahe Freiraummanagement / Team member / Project completed
- Digitales Lehrangebot - Naturnahe Gestaltung und Pflege von Grünräumen / Team member / Project completed
- Pilotphase Evaluation Grünstadt Schweiz / Team member / Project completed
- Entwicklung einer Dokumentation und Visualisierung für Pflegeprofile im Grünraum / Team member / Project completed
- Entwicklung von Erhebungsinstrumenten zur Evaluation des Labels Grünstadt Schweiz / Team member / Project completed
- Entwicklung Naturnahe Pflege Familienheim Genossenschaft / Team member / Project completed
- Konzept Monitoring Grünstadt Schweiz / Team member / Project completed
- Fokus Biodiversität / Team member / Project completed
- GreenCycle light / Team member / Project completed
Wildhaber, Tobias; Hagenbuch, Reto,
Stadt + Grün.
72(9), pp. 15-18.
Available from:
Hagenbuch, Reto; Wildhaber, Tobias,
Biodiversität und Landschaftsqualitäten im Siedlungsgebiet fördern.
N+L Inside.
2023(1), pp. 35-36.
Available from:
Hagenbuch, Reto; Wildhaber, Tobias,
Mehr Biodiversität im Siedlungsgebiet.
Schweizer Gemeinde.
2023(3), pp. 39.
Available from:
Wildhaber, Tobias; Hagenbuch, Reto,
Biodiversität im Siedlungsgebiet fördern.
2023(7), pp. 22-25.
Available from:
Wildhaber, Tobias; Hagenbuch, Reto,
Stadt + Grün.
71(12), pp. 43-46.
Available from:
Other publications
- Master's thesis: Ecological compensation in urban areas – analysis of scenarios and levels of action for long-term safeguarding
- Bachelor's thesis: Research for a contemporary concept for the medicinal plant garden of the Merian Gardens in Basel