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Technologies for Therapy at a Distance for Individuals With Stroke

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Stroke is one of the main causes of permanent limitations in activities of daily living and participation in everyday life worldwide. Occupational therapists make a significant contribution to helping clients return to their daily lives after stroke. A high number of people living with the effects of a stroke want to return to their familiar home environment. This is often accomplished with the support of family members or other private caregivers. For this reason, it is significant to involve these individuals in occupational therapy treatment.  

Telerehabilitation represents a great potential for outpatient stroke rehabilitation. Telerehabilitation allows treatment of clients in isolation (e.g., during the global COVID-19 pandemic) and also the possibility of providing therapy at a distance in the place where clients live, work, and learn.  

While studies show positive evidence for occupational therapy tele-rehabilitation after stroke and it is already established in many parts of the world (e.g. Scandinavia, Canada, Australia), in Switzerland occupational therapy at a distance has come into focus only since the COVID-19 pandemic. Little is known about the view and needs of the target group (clients after stroke, therapists and relatives), from which interventions they can benefit at a distance (e.g. for self-training, exercises).  

In this study, we identify the views and needs of stroke clients living in private households, family caregivers, and therapists with regard to outpatient stroke rehabilitation at a distance in Switzerland using qualitative research methods.  
