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Needs assessment of shelter places for girls and young women affected by violence

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Up to now statistics on girls and young women affected by violence have been lacking in Switzerland. Furthermore, there has been no inventory of emergency and protective shelters and the future need for shelters for this group. This and the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence ("Istanbul Convention") are the starting point for the postulate Wasserfallen 19.4064 "Statistics on girls affected by violence and requirement analysis/clarification for shelters", which was adopted by the Swiss National Council in December 2019 ties in with this topic. The project had been commissioned by the Federal Office for Gender Equality, aiming at compiling statistical information on girls and young women affected by violence, though clarifying how high the need for shelter places was throughout Switzerland for girls and young women who experience physical, psychological and sexual violence at home or in their day-to-day life. The study includes various modules. The literature on the topic of shelters was reviewed and the available statistical information from police crime statistics and survey studies was examined. Within the framework of a qualitative survey, interviews were conducted with experts and victims themselves. Finally, standardized online surveys have been carried out with shelters for emergency and general protection, as well as with assigning agencies (competence centres, government bodies etc.). The results were presented in a workshop with experts and recommendations were formulated on this basis.
