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Does the POS-DemA improve dementia care in Swiss nursing homes

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50% of nursing home residents are suffering from dementia (PwD) including other co-morbidities, which may lead to uncontrolled symptom burden. A comprehensive symptom assessment in order to avoid symptoms being ignored or misinterpreted, is difficult to conduct due to memory deficits and communication barriers. Only a few adequate comprehensive assessment tools for PwD are available.


  • To reduce the symptom severity in PwD by using the IPOS-Dem (Integrated Palliative Outcome Scale).
  • To provide tailored care in line with the symptom severity measured with the IPOS-Dem.

Research Question: Does the implementation of the IPOS-Dem intervention reduce severity of symptoms in people with dementia in nursing homes?

Methods:Stepped-Wedged Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial
