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COST Action – Eco-sustainable Food Packaging Based on Polymer Nanomaterials

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The main objective of this Action is to constitute an international scientific and technology network on issues related to eco-sustainable Polymer Nanocomposites Food Packaging for the preservation, conservation and distribution of high quality and safe food.

The Action will constitute an international scientific and technology network on issues related to Eco-sustainable Polymer Nanomaterials for Food Packaging (PNFP), for the preservation, conservation and distribution of high quality and safe food. The Action aims at exploiting the potentiality of polymer nanotechnology in the area of food packaging treating in a complete way the demanding needs of the users, such as health, environment, taste, cost and the specific requirements of the food industry. The envisioned direction is to look at the complete life cycle of the PNFP by the combined efforts of leading research and industrial groups. The Action will identify the barriers (in research and technology, safety, standardisation, trained workforce and technology transfer) that prevent a complete successful development of PNFP and will indicate the strategies to proceed further.

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