Swiss Radio and Television (SRF) reports on the Biophilia Living Lab
SRF Input editor Patricia Banzer pays a visit to the Biophilia Living Lab for her podcast.

“They seem to be sprouting up everywhere lately. Green, purple, delicately veined or meaty: indoor plants have flooded social media, living rooms and trendy office spaces. But where is this surge in popularity stemming from?” SRF Input editor Patricia Banzer looks for answers in her podcast, including from the ZHAW’s very own Prof. Lukas Windlinger, who runs the Biophilia Living Lab together with the Workplace Management research group. In the RA building located on the Seestrasse in Wädenswil, scientists are busy studying the effects of plants on students. They want to find out whether they influence students' well-being and their ability to concentrate and why humans have evolved to look for a connection with nature.
Fascinating input on these and other questions can be found in the SRF podcast.