IT-supported Assessment, Simulation and Benchmarking Tool for Facility Management in Healthcare (ASBT-FM)

The IT-supported Assessment, Simulation and Benchmarking Tool for Facility Management in Healthcare ASBT-FM-Tool is a customer and user-friendly possibility for hospitals and caregiving institutions to carry out thorough tool-based analyses of the Facility Management processes in a short time. The tool supports the development of options for action which lead to the elimination of weaknesses identified in the Facility Management while retaining the strengths discovered. The solution contains not only the assessment of the current situation and its evaluation, but also covers preference matrices, simulations and industry benchmarks.
The Process Model PromoS, the Key Performance Indicator Catalogue KenkaS, the Reference Model RemoS, the Service Catalogue for Non-medical Support Services LekaS as well as the Guideline to use SAP for Facility Management in Healthcare LesapS are integral part of the solution, just like the maturity model developed by Deloitte. For a quick and secure implementation of a future FM concept, the functions of an introduction manual are integrated in the solution.