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Dr. Alexander Knoll

Dr. Alexander Knoll

Dr. Alexander Knoll

ZHAW School of Social Work
Institute of Childhood, Youth and Family
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8037 Zürich

+41 (0) 58 934 85 23

Work at ZHAW


Senior Researcher


Childhood Studies, Early Education and Care (ECEC), Parenthood and Parent Education, Language and Multilingualism, Sociology of Childhood, Discourse Theory and Analysis, Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology



  • Senior Research and Teaching Asistant and (deputy) director of the University Center for Early Childhood Education Fribourg
    University of Fribourg, Department of Educational Studies
    06 / 2017 - 07 / 2022
  • Research associate
    Zurich University of Teacher Education
    11 / 2014 - 05 / 2017
  • Research associate
    Thurgau University of Teacher Education
    02 / 2013 - 10 / 2014
  • Assitant and PhD Student
    University of Fribourg, Department of Educational Studies
    02 / 2010 - 08 / 2013
  • Counceling
    Center for Military Conscientious Objection and Civilian Service
    09 / 2001 - 08 / 2003

Education and Continuing education


  • PhD / Educational Sciences
    University of Fribourg
    2010 - 2016
  • Master / Sociology, Economic and Social History and German Linguistics
    University of Zurich
    2001 - 2009


Membership of networks



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Books and monographs, peer-reviewed
Book parts, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts