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Continuing education platform aims to close educational gaps

The rapidly evolving digital workplace environment requires employees to acquire new skills on an ongoing basis. The ZHAW is involved in a collaborative project that aims to make it easier for people to pursue continuing education.

Digitalisation and other technologies are rapidly shaking up the world of work. In order to maintain their competitive edge, employees have to keep developing their skills. However, there is a gap in this area in Switzerland. A new online platform for continuing education aims to help people, in particular those who aren’t academically inclined, to assess their skills and identify opportunities. The ZHAW is collaborating with four other Swiss universities in the project, which is part of the Swiss innovation agency Innosuisse’s flagship programme. By 2026, the existing platform called Evrlearn will be expanded.

Users can enter their skills profile, upon which artificial intelligence will provide them with ideas on how they can develop professionally. They also receive suggestions for continuing education programmes at institutions that are active on the platform.

Human versus machine

Moreover, users can network with each other via so-called co-learning circles. Claudia Beutter from the Institute for Applied Psychology (IAP), which is responsible for this subsection, says that this is especially important for online continuing education. For example, learners can exchange information with their colleagues about how their company is implementing the co-learning circles, or prospective managers can reach out to people who are already in a management position, Beutter explains. “The interaction with a real person has a motivating effect and enhances the ability to effectively apply acquired knowledge in everyday work,” she says.