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Innovative pricing models promote climate-friendly products

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  • Project leader : Linard Barth
  • Project budget : CHF 20'000
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Internal (ZHAW digital / Digital Futures Fund)
  • Contact person : Linard Barth


It is of great interest to understand under which conditions companies are incentivized to develop products that are (i) more efficient (ii) more durable and (iii) more resource-efficient. The hypothesis is that innovative pricing models made possible by digitalization, such as usage- or value-based pricing models, will turn companies' incentives for many products and offerings upside down: Instead of planned obsolescence, an eternal product! But not everything that is beneficial for customers and the climate is also in the interests of companies. Many are reluctant to tackle such a transformation for fear of losing profits. It is therefore necessary to carry out a systematic analysis of best-practice cases in order to show companies which offers in combination with which pricing models generate both ecological and economic value.