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User-centric Development for Group Antenatal Care in Switzerland

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The innovative antenatal care service zäme schwanger is offered by Hebamme unterwegs in cooperation with the Thetriz lab at ZHAW. It is planned that the pilot programme "zäme schwanger" (hereafter service) will be disseminated and implemented throughout Switzerland by Hebamme unterwegs and other midwifery practices.

Due to a lack of participants, the service has only been held once so far. Since the innovative and evidence-based service has shown great potential, Hebamme unterwegs wants to check how the service must be further developed to meet the needs of the potential users.

Compared to traditional antenatal care zäme schwanger stands out by its unique solution to combine prenatal care with an empowering peer-to-peer approach and by its highly collaborative, empowering and networking nature. It is one of the first in the Swiss market to follow the approach of prenatal care in groups and therefore must be aligned with the specific needs of the Swiss population. To further advance the solution of a group antenatal care service to a broader user group this “Innovation Cheque” aims for a user-centric design and development strategy for Hebamme unterwegs. Specifically, we target to obtain real-world evidence and validate the solution in user interviews. With this user research, Hebamme unterwegs should understand their (potential) users better and be able to launch a user-oriented innovative service.