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Serious game for participative land use planning in São Tomé and Principe

At a glance

  • Project leader : Dr. John Garcia Ulloa
  • Project team : Julien Chupin, Dr. Claude Garcia, Dr. Ivan Novotny, Dr. Fabien Quetier, Fabienne Sierro
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Third party (BirdLife International CLG)
  • Contact person : Fabienne Sierro


The project addresses land use planning of an island nation in the context of climate change, economic use of natural resources, and ecosystem conservation and protection. This project will develop and test a serious game for participatory landscape planning in São Tomé and Príncipe. The goal is to: (I) understand the perspectives of different stakeholders on land use planning on the island, (II) develop scenarios that show different pathways for economic land use and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems, (III) create a dialogue among stakeholders to jointly formulate recommendations and implementation measures for sustainable land use.