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Ball jack: Handhärteprüfer für Tennisbälle

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Up to now, tennis balls have been haptically tested by the tennis player. Only professional players have approximately the necessary experience to be able to test a ball optimally. Especially for laymen the method of haptic testing is unsuitable and causes a high wear and tear of tennis balls. So far there are no alternative methods to measure the hardness of tennis balls. The handheld hardness tester "Ball Jack" is an easy to handle measuring device that measures how the rubber behaviour of the ball behaves. The aim is to create an easy to handle incoming and outgoing control of the ball box. Due to the objective testing of the balls, only very durable balls will be used in the future. Likewise, with the exact inspection, the different brands can be compared. The manufacturers will improve their products if necessary and thus also reduce wear and tear. This would in turn have a positive effect on the massive overuse of our resources and counteract the excessive burden on the environment.