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Digital Health Specialisation

Digitalisation opens up new possibilities in the healthcare system. Acquire the necessary skills to help patients with innovative solutions.

The "Digital Health" specialisation offers a forward-thinking education at the intersection of medicine and digitalisation. In this specialisation, you will learn to analyse large datasets from the healthcare sector and utilise them for advancements in medical care. Upon completing the "Digital Health" specialisation of the BSc programme "Applied Digital Life Sciences," you will be able to process, analyse, and understand these data.

The thematic focuses of the compulsory modules in this specialisation include medical fundamentals, biomedical devices, clinical informatics, and data science. This interdisciplinary approach prepares you to tackle complex challenges in the digital health sector and develop data-driven solutions for the benefit of patients.

You will learn...

Examples of projects you could work on in the future


Companies in the healthcare sector, biomedical field, and biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries are typical employers. Want to know where your career path might lead after graduation? We provide an outlook on our careers page.

Education - Module overview

The compulsory modules within the specialisation are supplemented by elective modules, which provide you with the opportunity to develop further, either in specific topics within the specialisation or supplementary topics. This enables you to create an individual course profile according to your interests.

It is possible to combine certain elective modules into a minor. A minor corresponds to at least 12 ECTS credits, of which about half is completed in the form of a project paper.

Notes on the module overview

Semester ECTS to be achieved (180 in total) in modules
1. - 3. Semester 30 ECTS compulsory modules each
4. - 6. Semester 30 ECTS each, compulsory modules and compulsory elective modules incl. minor

The module examinations take place at different times after the end of the lecture period. A module is considered passed if a grade average of at least 4.00 has been achieved, no individual grade is below 2.5 and all pass/fail activities have been completed.