Covid-19: Cleaning Isolation rooms in a hospital
The Institute for Facility Management (IFM), together with stakeholders from the healthcare and cleaning sectors has produced a series of training videos on cleaning the isolation rooms used by COVID-19 patients.
To train cleaners in hospitals on how to clean isolation rooms with COVID-19 patients and ensure their safety. This is the aim of the training videos (DE with subtitels in FR/IT/ENG) of the "Network Cleaning Standard COVID-19" on the following topics: What does isolation with Covid-19 mean? How is personal protective equipment worn and taken off? What are the procedures of general and terminal cleaning of the isolation rooms? For each video there is a test whereby participants of the training can test their newly acquired knowledge. The videos are free of charge and can be used for training purposes.

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Cleaning of isolation rooms with COVID-19 patients – Introduction into the topic
How should I clean an isolation room with Covid-19 patients? Learn the fundamentals of protective measures, cleaning techniques and procedures in the introductory video.

Have you understood everything? Take the test and then watch the next video in the series: "Preparation for entering the isolation room and wearing the protective equipment".
The Preparation for entering an isolation room
Before cleaning an isolation room, you must wear the protective equipment correctly to safeguard yourself from the corona virus. Watch the video to learn what to wear and in what order.

Have you understood everything? Take the test and then watch the next video in the series: "work procedure general cleaning".
Work procedure general cleaning
Learn how to carry out general cleaning for isolation rooms and understand the most important aspects.

Have you understood everything? Take the test and then watch the next video in the series: "work procedure terminal cleaning".
Work procedure terminal cleaning
Here you will learn how to carry out the cleaning of isolation rooms after a patient’s discharge and the important aspects you should pay attention to.

Have you understood everything? Take the test and then watch the next video in the series: "Preparation for exiting the isolation room and removal of personal protective equipment".
Preparation for exiting the isolation room and removal of personal protective equipment
After cleaning the isolation room, you must take off the protective equipment correctly so that you do not become infected with the corona virus. Learn in the video what you should take off, where and in what order.

Have you understood everything? Take the test and then watch the "Complete film cleaning isolation room with COVID-19 patients".
Complete film
Find out all about cleaning isolation rooms with COVID-19 patients. The Video outlines the guidelines for protective measures, cleaning techniques and procedures that are to undertaken. You will also learn about the preparation procedures and correct order for wearing and removal of protective equipment, maintenance cleaning and cleaning after discharge of COVID-19 patients.

Have you understood everything? Take the test.
Network cleaning standard Covid-19
The network cleaning standard Covid-19 has developed and produced the training series:
Idea: Prof. Dr. Susanne Hofer, Institute for Facility Management (IFM), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
Project Management: Irina Pericin Häfliger, Institute for Facility Management (IFM), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
Co-Creation: Allpura, Association of Swiss Cleaningservices Organisations; Severin Gallo, CEO, gammaRenax AG; Roger Graf, Member of the Board Allpura and CEO Graf Facility Services GmbH; Thomas Hofmann, Lecturer, IFM; Oliver Jud, Head of Corporate Development, gammaRenax AG; Peter Kunz, Division Manager for Training and Coaching, Gareba GmbH; Dr. Thomas Leiblein, Senior Specialist Infection Prevention, Hirslanden AG; Markus Rüfenacht, Divisional Manager for Cleaning Concepts/Calculation and Tenders, Gareba GmbH; Doris Scheiwiller, Course Instructor, Trainingscenter Diversey; André Sidler, Head of Marketing and Services, Deputy Head of Training and Coachings, Gareba GmbH Hospital Director, Seeklinik Brunnen; Franz J. Sperisen, Head of the Hotel sector, See-Spital; Max von Däniken, Head of Infrastructural Management, GZO Wetzikon; as well as other stakeholders from the healthcare and cleaning sector
Film und Cut: Fornito Valentino, Media Creator, FM Academy c/o gammaRenax AG Facility Services
Translation: Monica Anand, Gillian Schmitter et al.