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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Research Group for Advanced Signal Analytics


Our research group specialises in the analysis, modelling and classification of measured signals as well as statistical modelling and consulting. We apply physical and statistical models as well as Deep Learning to solve complex problems in the life sciences and related technical fields, for example in chromatography, agricultural systems modelling or drone signal detection. Our team consists of experts in data science and statistics who have in-depth knowledge of theoretical and applied physics and mathematics as well as many years of experience in research and teaching in the life sciences and related disciplines.


  • Deep learning in signal and image processing as well as for time series
  • Mathematical and statistical modelling
  • Machine learning
  • Analysis and visualisation of signals and data
  • Physical Computing (MicroPython, Arduino, etc.)
  • Actuarial Sciences

Application areas

  • Chromatography
  • Radio signals
  • Time Series
  • Environmental acoustics
  • Rockfall


Examples of Master's, Bachelor's and Semester Theses

Unser Team