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Play with Water

The project pages Play with Water were created in 2008 in cooperation with project partners from Switzerland, Germany, Sweden and Slovenia. They are therefore only available in English. Some contents and instructions are also available for download in German.

The core idea of Play with Water is to encourage primary school children to develop a lively, deeper interest in nature through their enjoyment of playing with water. Experimental facilities of ecotechnological processes in the classroom such as composting, plant-based purification plants plants and combined fisch farming are used for this purpose.

Have fun and success with Play with Water.

Have fun with trying out the experiments in your class!

The aim of Play with Water is to develop comprehensive teaching units which should enable primary school children (ISCED 1 Level of Education according to UNESCO) to discover basic concepts of ecology and obtain hands-on experience in cycling of elements in nature, and thus the potential of wastewater as a resource.

Play with Water supplies teachers with experiments that can easily be integrated in their natural science classes. The material is being developed in close cooperation with stakeholders in the field of education. All publicly available material can be found in the «Download» section of this website.

How to use Play with Water

Using Play-with-Water experiments is easy. You will find a number of experiments on various aspects of, e.g., on composting.

You are free to copy, use, distribute, transmit and adapt this work, under the following conditions:

Teaching units

In the Compost factory you find detailed instructions on how to set up a classroom compost and to let pupils experiment with biodegradable and non-degradable materials.