Mixed perennial plants
Plant diversity for Swiss towns and cities
Mixed perennial plants are combinations of plants composed of perennials, grasses and geophytes. The concept makes it possible to create perennial plants that are durable, attractive all year round, and varied, yet low maintenance at the same time.
In both public and private green spaces, perennials bring dynamic colour and variety to a planting area. The areas of application for mixed perennial plantings are diverse; whether the area is sunny, shady, dry or moist, there is a suitable and proven combination for almost every location.
The species composition is similar for all combinations and is made up of predefined amounts of perennials. The plantation is made up of long-lived taller flowering perennials, shorter accompanying perennials and short-lived yet quickly spreading perennials, which fill in any gaps that arise, especially in the first few years, . The result is a dynamic plantation in which different aesthetic characteristics, forms, growth heights and propagation strategies combine to form a largely self-regulating system.
In the Grüental gardens you can observe four mixed perennial plantations, which were designed in 2006 and 2010 and have since been examined for their longevity and functionality.
Reading tipp

If you want to know more about mixed perennial planting, we recommend the reference book by Axel Heinrich from the ZHAW's Plant Use Research Group.