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PD Dr. Melanie Werren

PD Dr. Melanie Werren

PD Dr. Melanie Werren

ZHAW School of Health Sciences
Institute of Public Health
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 47 20

Work at ZHAW


Lecturer for Interprofessional Teaching and Practice


  • Ethics in healthcare
  • Dignity and Dementia
  • Gerontological ethics
  • Ethical intuitions and feelings in applied ethics
  • Social Ethics



  • Private lecturer for systematic theology with focus on ethics
    University of Bern
    02 / 2023 - today
  • Lecturer for interprofessional teaching and practice
    09 / 2022 - today
  • Head of Study Program Certificate of Advanced Studies "Altersheimseelsorge in Heimen und Gemeinden"
    University of Bern
    01 / 2022 - 12 / 2022
  • Research Assistant, Institute of Systematic Theology with focus on ethics
    University of Bern
    09 / 2013 - 08 / 2022
  • Vicar
    Evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde Langenthal
    08 / 2012 - 07 / 2013
  • Qualified nurse HF and vocational trainer
    Geriatrische Universitätsklinik des Zieglerspitals Bern
    03 / 2006 - 10 / 2010
  • Qualified nurse HF and vocational trainer
    Betagtenzentrum Laupen
    11 / 2004 - 02 / 2006

Education and Continuing education


  • Habilitation and venia docendi / Systematic theology with a focus on ethics
    University of Bern
    09 / 2018 - 01 / 2023
  • PhD / theol.
    University of Bern
    09 / 2013 - 02 / 2019
  • Verbi Divini Ministra
    08 / 2012 - 07 / 2013
  • Master of Theology
    University of Bern
    09 / 2010 - 08 / 2012
  • Bachelor of Theology
    University of Bern
    09 / 2007 - 08 / 2010
  • Education in Healthcare and Nursing HF
    Lindernhofschule Bern
    09 / 2001 - 08 / 2004

Continuing Education

  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Higher Education
    Centre for University Continuing Education Bern
    11 / 2017
  • Course for vocational trainers
    Berufs-, Fach- und Fortbildungsschule Bern
    10 / 2005


Membership of networks

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4271-4469


Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Books and monographs, peer-reviewed
Other publications