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PD Dr. Michael Josef Burtscher

PD Dr. Michael Josef Burtscher

PD Dr. Michael Josef Burtscher

ZHAW School of Applied Psychology
Fachgruppe Diagnostics and Counselling
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8037 Zürich

+41 (0) 58 934 80 15

Work at ZHAW


  • Lecturer in Statistics, Psychological Assessment und Teamwork
  • Stv. Leitung Fachgruppe Diagnostik und Beratung


Teamwork, Leadership, Occupational stress, Psychological Assessment


Lecturer Statistics, Psychological Assessment and Teamwork


  • Senior Lecturer
    University of Zurich
    06 / 2016 - 01 / 2020
  • Visiting Researcher
    University of Pittsburgh
    03 / 2015 - 05 / 2016
  • Post-Doc
    University of Zurich
    09 / 2010 - 02 / 2015
  • Junior Researcher
    ETH Zurich
    05 / 2007 - 08 / 2010

Education and Continuing education


  • Habilitation / Psychologie
    University of Zurich
    01 / 2011 - 11 / 2019
  • PhD / Work- and Organizational Psychology
    ETH Zurich
    05 / 2007 - 06 / 2010
  • Master of Science / Psychology
    Unversity of Trier
    11 / 2000 - 12 / 2006

Continuing Education

CAS Higher Education
University of Zurich
11 / 2018


Membership of networks



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW

Three key publications   Burtscher, M. J., Meyer, B., Jonas, K., Feese, S., & Tröster, G. (2018). A time to trust? The buffering effect of trust and its temporal variations in the context of high-reliability teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 1099-1112. doi:10.1002/job.2271   Burtscher, M. J. & Manser, T. (2012). Team mental models and their potential to improve teamwork and safety: A review and implications for future research in healthcare. Safety Science, 50, 1344-1354.doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2011.12.033     Burtscher, M. J., Kolbe, M., Wacker, J., & Manser, T. (2011). Interactions of team mental models and monitoring behaviors predict team performance in simulated anesthesia inductions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 17, 257-269. doi: 10.1037/a0025148