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Master’s students present poster series on Covid-19 vaccines

Long-awaited vaccine protection against the coronavirus is here. Several vaccines have already been approved around the world, and every day, more people are receiving their first dose. On 12 January, MSc in Life Sciences students in the “Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” study programme presented a virtual poster series on this subject.

The posters were created as part of the Biodesign module, which examines the development of new biotechnological drugs. “The students’ task was to take an in-depth look at the different vaccination strategies against Covid-19 and the underlying immunological principles,” explains Steffi Lehmann, Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology. “Each group then created a poster on a selected vaccine and presented it to the plenum.”

Download poster presentations on Covid-19 vaccines(PDF 6,7 MB)

Twelve vaccines and how they work

The result was a poster series that includes already approved vaccines, such as Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech, as well as vaccines that are still at the development stage or have not yet passed the trial phase. In addition to the vaccination strategy – for example, the innovative mRNA technology – and the underlying immunological principle, the students also address exactly how the vaccines work, their stage of development and the vaccination system, as well as the benefits and risks of the vaccines.

“Our students showed great commitment here,” says a delighted Lukas Neutsch, Lecturer in Biotechnology. “The posters provide a good overview of the current vaccination types and the underlying technologies. These all derive from biotech-pharmaceutical production lines, so they are at the heart of the specialist field for which this study programme prepares our students.”

The groups presented their posters virtually to their fellow students and lecturers on 12 January. Students in their fifth semester of the BSc degree programme in Biotechnology also followed the presentations. A jury comprising Lukas Neutsch and Steffi Lehmann assessed the posters, with the support of the students from the fifth semester, as regards layout, content and presentation. Poster no. 10, “Ad25.Cov” by Julius Allgäuer, Simon Häberle and Fruhar Mozaffari, was the winner. Our congratulations on this successful start to the year!