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INUAS Conference: Call for Papers has started

The INUAS Conference 2020 “Urban Transformation: Resources” takes place at the Munich University of Applied Sciences from 9–11 September 2020. The Call for Papers, Projects and Interventions is intended for researchers, graduates and students from various disciplines as well as actors and initiatives in applied fields of work.

The university network INUAS (International Network of Universities of Applied Sciences) has been organizing an international conference series with the topic “Urban Transformation: Housing | Resources | Public Spaces” since 2019. With these events the alliance consisting of the Munich University of Applied Sciences, the University of Applied Sciences Campus Vienna and the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences creates a platform for a critical appraisal of current issues and perspectives in the development of metropolitan regions.

International conference on resources

The second international conference in this series will take place at the Munich University of Applied Sciences September 2020. 

It is focussed on the topic of resources, examining the four thematic tracks of TIME, SPACE, ENERGY, MATERIALS from technical, ecological, political and social perspectives.

Call for Papers

The Call for Papers, Projects and Interventions is intended for researchers, graduates and students from various disciplines as well as actors and initiatives in applied fields of work, who deal with resources in growing regions and cities and wish to contribute with their expertise to the analysis and sustainable development. During the Conference, selected contributors will present their input in conference panels, poster sessions or urban excursions/interventions.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the scientific committee and associated experts. The contributions accepted by the interdisciplinary jury will be published in the conference’s Book of Abstracts. The jury will endorse selected papers of particular merit that are presented at the conference for free publication in other relevant journals.

The closing date for submissions is 31 January 2020. Interested parties are asked to submit abstracts only via this platform.