Strengthening self-management skills for the world of work 4.0
At a glance
- Project leader : Claudia Buschor Schaub, Jeanette Herzog
- Project team : Alessia Irina Bargetzi, Patricia Castioni, Vera Hächler-Boeglin, Patrick Jenni, Geraldine Vogel
- Project status : completed
- Funding partner : Internal , Other (Innovationsfonds für die Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung)
Rapid technological and social change is currently transforming
the world of work. This is accompanied by changes in the demands
placed on many occupations. Among other things, employees are being
called upon to lead themselves to a much higher degree. It is
therefore advisable to take this competence into account in the
counselling process for clients in vocational, study and career
counselling (BSLB).
This project pursues two objectives. Firstly, the research and
practice-relevant influencing variables for self-management in the
world of work 4.0 are to be researched and determined. Secondly, an
innovative short intervention in the form of a "learning journal"
will be developed and evaluated on the basis of the findings
gained. All results from the project will be prepared in such a way
that they can be directly applied by the BSLB.
The project duration is set at 18 months. The project is funded by
the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). The contribution
of the Innovation Fund also makes it possible to develop concrete
training and continuing education content for the BSLB and to
develop an application-oriented short intervention in the form of a
"learning journal".