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Prehabilitation - Enhanced Recovery After Colorectal Surgery

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This single site study investigates whether a preoperative training reduces the number and severity of perioperative complications in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery according to the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathway. The study will be approved by a local ethical committee and conducted in compliance with the protocol, the current version of the Declaration of Helsinki, the ICH-GCP as well as all national legal and regulatory requirements. Before inclusion informed written consent will be obtained from all patients. Once the indication for the surgical intervention is given patients may be included into the study. Patients of the experimental group will be provided with a tailored training program aiming at maximally improving physical fitness in order to withstand the surgical stress. Depending on the urgency of the operation this training program will last between two and six weeks. Three weekly trainings are foreseen of which two will be performed in a setting supervised by a physiotherapist and one at the patient\'s home. Patients assigned to the control group receive the usual care i.e. information about the upcoming procedure and the advice to remain physically active. From the point of the operation both groups will be treated equally. Outcome measures will be obtained from the inclusion into the study up to one month after surgery
