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Mobile phone-based object finder using energy scavenging to power misplaced objects

At a glance

  • Project leader : Prof. Dr. Marcel Meli
  • Project team : Jachen Bernegger, Markus Hutzler, Olivier Rion
  • Project budget : CHF 169'488
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : CTI
  • Contact person : Marcel Meli


A new method to locate misplaced objects will be investigated and prototypes will be built. Tests will be conducted to determine the suitability of the technology for object finding and for sensing. The technique, for which a patent has been filed, combines the simplicity of a smart phone with Wireless Low Power Communication (such as the new Ble communication or 802.15.4/ZigBee) interface and the use of energy scavenging to communicate with the misplaced item. The appropriate power saving modes and communication heads (for the object to find and the sensor) will be built. Tests between object and search tool will be conducted and the results and limits of the technique documented in a report.