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Diffusion of self-consumption concepts under variants of grid tariff designs for the supply area of BKW

At a glance

  • Project leader : Merla Kubli
  • Project team : Dr. Silvia Ulli-Beer, Michael Wurzinger
  • Project budget : CHF 30'000
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Third party (BKW Energie AG)
  • Project partner : BKW Energie AG
  • Contact person : Merla Kubli


This research project investigates the effect of increasing diffusion of self-consumption on the financing of the electricity distribution grid. Goal of the research project is on one hand the develop the model structure that allows testing different strategies of financing the distribution grid, on the other hand to assess the impact of different grid tariff designs on the diffusion of self-consumption concepts. We investigate these developments for the supply area of the electric utility BKW Energie AG over the time horizon of 2015 until 2030. The simulation model is sued to quantify the occuring distribution effect between consumers with an without self-consumption under different grid tariff designs.
