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Sara Kerstin Kohler

Sara Kerstin Kohler

Sara Kerstin Kohler

ZHAW School of Health Sciences
Institute of Nursing
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 42 62

Work at ZHAW


  • Programm director of MAS in oncological Nursing
  • Programm director CAS integrative and complementary therapeutic approaches
  • Senior Lecturer



  • Board Member
    06 / 2024 - today
  • Programm director of the Certificate in integrative and complementary therapeutic approaches
    Zurich University of applied Sciences
    04 / 2022 - today
  • Programm director of the Master`s Degree Programme in oncology Nursing
    Zurich University of applied Sciences
    08 / 2019 - today
  • Head of Nursing, Internal Medicine
    Clinic Arlesheim
    01 / 2018 - 08 / 2020
  • Registered Nurse and Nurse Specialist
    Clinic Arlesheim
    03 / 2011 - 01 / 2018

Education and Continuing education


  • Master of Science / Nursing
    University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen
    10 / 2016 - 08 / 2019
  • Diploma / Registered Nurse
    Berta-Renner School at the Deaconesses Hospital Karlsruhe-Rüppurr
    03 / 2006 - 03 / 2009

Continuing Education

  • CAS Higher Education
    University Zurich
    08 / 2022
  • CAS Digitale Learning
    Zurich University of Applied Sciences
    08 / 2020
  • MAS oncological nursing
    Zurich University of Applied Sciences
    11 / 2019
  • GCP Certificate - Clinical Investigator Level
    CTU Bern
    06 / 2018
  • Basic Course anthroposophic nursing
    04 / 2012


Membership of networks

Social media



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Book parts, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts