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Jeannine Stutz

Jeannine Stutz

Jeannine Stutz

ZHAW School of Engineering
International Office & Department Secretariat
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 42 59

Work at ZHAW


Head of International Office and Department Secretariat


Leadership, Management, Administration, Organisation, Student Exchange, Staff Exchange, Processes Project and Quality Management


  • Head of International Office and Department Secretariat
    ZHAW School of Engineering
    06 / 2019 - today
  • Mediator
    Mediation Neftenbach
    02 / 2010 - today
  • Head Administration Bachelor Social Work
    ZHAW School of Social Work
    08 / 2016 - 05 / 2019
  • Assistant - Director Bachelor Physiotherapy and Apprentice Trainer
    ZHAW School of Health Sciences
    02 / 2011 - 07 / 2016

Education and Continuing education


Commercial Employee, Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training
City of Winterthur
04 / 1988 - 04 / 1991

Continuing Education

  • MAS Leadership & Management
    ZHAW School of Applied Psychology
    03 / 2023
  • CAS Leadership Advanced
    ZHAW School of Applied Psychology
    11 / 2021
  • WBK Science-based Work
    ZHAW School of Applied Psychology
    04 / 2021
  • CAS managementoriented Business Administration
    ZHAW School of Management and Law
    07 / 2020
  • WBK Prozessmanagement
    ZHAW School of Management and Law
    04 / 2019
  • Teamleader - Focus Leadership
    KV Zurich Business School
    06 / 2017
  • Apprentice Trainer
    Swiss Conference of Vocational Training Offices
    08 / 2014
  • CAS Change Management
    HWZ University of Applied Sciences Zurich
    06 / 2011
  • Business Mediation
    SGO Business School
    03 / 2009



Recognition award for the best masterthesis in the continuing education master's program in Leadership & Management
IAP Institute for Applied Psychology at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
04 / 2024