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Alias association given new structure

The student association now has more opportunities for its members to participate on all levels. The new structure encourages students to get involved in matters of everyday university politics.

Each School at ZHAW has its own Section Council, which is part of Alias. Elections to the Section Council were first held in 2022. The Section Council consists of at least one representative per degree programme at the ZHAW and elects students from its members to the Student Council, which is the association’s highest body. The Section Councils elected by the students in turn elect a Section Board, which is made up of a section presidency (Section Presidium), a treasurer and an actuary. The presidency liaises with School management and presides over meetings within the section. The Section Board appoints one person per School to the Council of Delegates, which prepares the issues to be discussed in the Student Council, maintains dialogue between the Schools and strengthens collaboration and participation at the School level. Once a year, the Students Council elects the members of the Alias Board and the representatives in the various bodies. In addition to giving itself a new structure, the association also adapted its internal election procedure for the Alias Board. Alias is proud to be able to provide a voting representative on ZHAW’s Academic Affairs Committee, where key decisions are made in support of the Academic Affairs Office.