Applied Statistics
The focus in the field of applied statistics is on classical, robust, and multivariate statistics and statistical method development.

Our expertise lies in classical and modern statistical methods, e.g. study design, survey analysis, imputation, data visualization and analysis, statistical modeling, survival analysis, and robust and multivariate statistics.
At the IDP, we also work, research, and develop on special statistical topics, e.g. compositional data analysis and anonymization of data.
We actively develop with and extend the software environment R in the form of R packages.

We have extensive application experience in the fields of business analytics, customer relationship management (CRM), laboratory analytics and quality control, environment and transport, biostatistics, health, and psychometrics, among others. Together with the Institute for Applied Information Technology (InIT), we operate the interdisciplinary Datalab, which takes innovative ideas in the field of Data Science and Big Data Analytics and puts them into practice.
Selected projects
- Statistical analysis of accident frequencies
The investigation and evaluation of accident occurrences in road traffic is a central task of those responsible for safety. The systematic analysis of the information obtained from this using statistical methods makes it possible to make a well-founded statement about the observed accident occurrence and - if necessary - to initiate targeted measures to increase road safety. - A model-based three-level classifiers for airborn dust
The IDP developed a universally applicable three-stage particle classifier for Particle Vision GmbH, which divides particles into several thousand classes according to their chemical composition. - Anonymisation of data
For data dissemination as well as for internal use of data, anonymization is required so that inference to individuals is prevented and the analytical quality of the data is preserved as far as possible. Data anonymization is applied to complex Helsana data. Several follow-up projects with other companies followed (Swisscom, SBB, EnerSuisse, ESTHER). - R Pakete on CRAN develpted or co-developed by our IDP memebers:
benchden | for benchmark densities
constrainedKriging | non-linear spatial predictions with kriging
equivUMP | test for equivalence or non-inferiority
histogram | extended functionality for regular and irregular histograms
IDPmisc | auxiliary functions for various problems including problems in spectrography and environmental statistics
keyperm | Permutation tests for keyword analysis in corpus linguistics
robustbase | robust statistical methods
SwissAir | Air Quality Data
vcrpart | Tree-Based Varying Coefficient Regression for Generalized Linear and Ordinal Mixed Models
Selected business partners
- Amt für Abfall, Wasser, Energie und Luft (AWEL)
- Amt für Landschaft und Natur des Kantons Zürich, Fachstelle Bodenschutz
- Bundesamt für Strassen (ASTRA)
- Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU
- Ernst Basler + Partner AG
- Dorner ASP AG
- H+, Die Spitäler der Schweiz
- Helsana, Gesundheitswissenschaften
- in-luft
- Lindt & Sprüngli (Schweiz) AG
- Mettler Toledo
- Ostluft
- Particle Vision GmbH
- RaceAnalyse AG
- Schweizerische Ingenieur- und Architektenverein (SIA)
- Soziale Dienste Winterthur
- SwissDRG AG
- Tracktics
- Schweizerische Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle (SUST)
- Bundesamt für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Veterinärwesen
- Bystronic
- Mobility
- Umwelt und Energie, Kanton Luzern
Selected research partners
- ETH Zürich, Seminar für Statistik
- Hochschule Luzern, Institut für Tourismuswirtschaft ITW
- Palacky Universität Olmütz, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
- Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Stochastik und Wirtschaftsmathematik
- Universitätsspital Zürich, Zentrum Klinische Pflegewissenschaft (Z-KPW)
- Université de Fribourg, Earth Sciences
- ZHAW Data Science Laboratory (Datalab)
- ZHAW Institut für Gesundheitsökonomie (WIG)
- ZHAW Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnologie (InIT)
- ZHAW Institut für Wealth & Asset Management (IWA)
- ZHAW Institut für Physiotherapie
- ZHAW Zentrum für Aviatik
Conferences organized by IDP or co-organized by IDP members:
- International Workshop on Survey Methodology and Official Statistics (SurvConf 2017) in Gumpoldskirchen, Austria, 2017
- R Summer School in Vorau, 2017
- Schweizer Statistiktage 2018
- Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Association (IAMG 2018)
- Use of R in Official Statistics (uRos2017, uRos2018)