Sensors and Measuring Systems
Undergraduate teaching (current and past courses)

Fall Semester:
- Physics for System Engineers I
- Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists I
Spring Semester:
- Physics for System Engineers II
- Higher Mathematics for Computer Scientists II
- Thermal Devices in Medicine
- Laboratory and Hospital Pharmacy
Graduate teaching

We are responsible for the EVA module: HealthTech Summer School.
The course is given every 2 years as a 2 weeks summer school in the framework of the Master of Science of Engineering MSE.
We are also involved in the TSM module: TSM_MedDMA – Medical Market Access lead by our colleague Jens Ulmer from OST taking place every fall semester in the framework of the Master of Science of Engineering MSE.
Continuing education
CAS Swiss Biodesign for MedTech Innovators
The course is based at the ZHAW School of Management and Law. Programme Director is Dr. Jens Haarmann.
Thesis supervision
Master thesis
Master thesis 2024
PortableFluorescenceSpectrum Detection System for Functionalized Soft Polymer Optical Fiber Sensors
Student: Raphael Hagen
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin
Master thesis 2023
Evaluation of the impact of a new sterilization method on material interaction between implant and packaging material - Project confidential
Student: Mohammed Yassin
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin
Master thesis 2022
AI algorithms for automatic breast lesion detection and classification in breast ultrasound - Download thesis(PDF 977,2 KB)
Student: Carlotta Marie Ruppert
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin
Master thesis 2021
Simulating the electrical properties of the human skin for the development of hydration sensors - Download thesis(PDF 841,7 KB)
The thesis has been publised in Sensors
Student: Claudio Malnati
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Daniel Fehr
Master thesis 2020
Dynamic Thermal Imaging for Skin Diagnostics - Development of Innovative Procedures and Analysis Methods - Download thesis(PDF 29,3 MB)
Student: Andreas Bachmann
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin
Master thesis 2019
3D Thermal Imaging: Acquisition and Surface Reconstruction - Download thesis(PDF 22,1 MB)
Student: Christoph Bader
Tutor: Lorenz Holzer / Mathias Bonmarin
Master thesis 2017
Development of a Thermodynamic Model of the Human Skin - Download thesis(PDF 8,6 MB)
Student: Tobias Ott
Tutor: Gernot Kurt Boiger / Mathias Bonmarin
Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor thesis 2024
Fiber-based strain sensors for head motion classification
Student: Mario Wyrsch
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin
Development and Implementation of pressure sensors based on solid liquid composites
Students: Gian-Luca Liberato / Slavisa Suvajac
Tutor: Fabrizio Spano
A Quantitative Train-of-Four Monitoring Device
Student: Severin Steiger
Tutor: Fabrizio Spano / Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin
DermatoTherma: Development of an artificial skin model for the characterization of radio-frequency heating
Students: Basil Heer
Tutor: Fabrizio Spano
Microwave Hyperthermia for Cancer Treatment
Students: Ermale Sadiku / Robin Gehring / Simon Bolleter
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin
Bachelor thesis 2023
Neuartiges MOF-basiertes atmosphärisches Wassergewinnungssystem mittels Hydrogel
Students: Christian Steiner / Cinar Furkan
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Vincent Buff / Gernot Boiger
Atmosphärisches Wassergewinnungssystem durch Strahlungskühlung
Students: Fabian Käser / Yves Waldspurger
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Vincent Buff / Gernot Boiger
Building a Portable Multi-Wavelength Fluorescence Spectrometer
Students: Denise Ackermann / Mauro Gabriel
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin
Development and implementation of an ultrasonic temperature measurement for dermatological applications
Students: Fabian Meissner / Daniel Morf
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin
Robotic Tactile Skin: Development and Implementation of a Robotic Tactile Skin
Students: Joël Käppler / Jeremy Zaugg
Tutor: Fabrizio Spano / Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin
Bachelor thesis 2022
Development of a New Thermotherapy Device for the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis - Gebert-Rüf First Venture Award, BRIDGE Proof of Concept grant, Gebert-Rüf InnoBooster grant, Venture Kick stage I and II. Link the project website.
Students: Davide Paparo / Ian Häusler
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Daniel Fehr / Fabrizio Spano
Echtzeitsimulation eines magnetisch gekoppelten Resonators
Students: Andrin Bosshart / Ramon Hefti
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Fabrizio Spano / Mathias Bonmarin
Transdermal Bilirubin Measurement - Electronic and Software Development
Students: Tibor Wehrmüller / Aaron Schmid
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Fabrizio Spano / Mathias Bonmarin
Investigation of the Fluorescence and Photobleaching Properties of Bilirubin
Students: Lucca Baptista Giesbrecht / Michael Wüest
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Fabrizio Spano / Mathias Bonmarin
Development of a Point of Care Device - Electronic and Software Implementation of a Volume Sensor - Regional Siemens Excellence Award
Students: Michael Zoller / Joel Hirsbrunner
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin / Fabrizio Spano
Measuring Ammonia in Blood - Development of an optoelectronics sensor - Lab Sciences Award
Students: Patrick Preisig / Jan Zwicky
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin / Fabrizio Spano
Bachelor thesis 2021
Inline weight determination of tablets by means of microwave sensor
Students: Braian Basso
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin
Investigating Sweat Glands Activity with Thermal Imaging
Students: Vincent Vescoli
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Fabrizio Spano / Mathias Bonmarin
Optical Tactile skin: Development of an Optical Electronic Skin for Pressure Sensing Applications
Students: Barbara Bösch
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Fabrizio Spano / Mathias Bonmarin
Resistiver textiler Touchscreen
Students: Lars Geertsen / Felix Touzimsky
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Fabrizio Spano / Mathias Bonmarin
Viscosity-Control Demonstrator
Students: Simon Keller
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin
Bachelor thesis 2020
Artificial Tactile Skin: Flexible Pressure Sensitive Skin models
Students: Jacqueline Blunschi / Renske Sassenburg
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Fabrizio Spano / Mathias Bonmarin
Development of a multi-wavelengths hand-held fluorescence measurement device - Lab Sciences Award!
Students: Raphael Hagen
Tutor: Daniel Fehr / Mathias Bonmarin
Bachelor thesis 2019
Development of an active thermal imaging-based hand held device for dermatological applications
Students: Dario Pascal Bee / Jannik Giger
Tutor: Lorenz Holzer / Mathias Bonmarin
Bachelor thesis 2018
A new hand-held imaging device to investigate the thermal properties of the human skin
Students: Andreas Bachmann / Giaele Quadri
Tutor: Martin Loeser / Mathias Bonmarin
Android-Based Medical Image Processing
Students: Noah Boateng / Marco Flüeler
Tutor: Martin Loeser / Mathias Bonmarin
Development and characterization of 3D skin tissue models with optical methods
Students: Aaron Friedrich / Marco Lauria
Tutor: Mojca Jazbinsek / Mathias Bonmarin
Numerical thermal model of the human skin
Students: Sandra Helfenstein / Sarvika Satkunarajah
Tutor: Gernot Kurt Boiger / Mathias Bonmarin
Smartwatch for optical detection of impaired lymphatic vessel function
Students: Jan Baumgartner / André de Jesus Morgado
Tutor: Nils Reinke / Mathias Bonmarin
Bachelor thesis 2017
A new device for the local treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis
Students: Rivin Edassery
Tutor: Nils Reinke / Mathias Bonmarin
Development of a Multispectral LEDs-based Source for Nanoparticles Excitation
Students: Fabio Francesco Di Giovanni / Silvan Fluri
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin
Diagnostic image analysis for risk assessment of skin cancer based on machine learning algorithms
Students: Philipp Lötscher / Christopher Steiner / Thomas Wegmann
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Reto Knaack / Gernot Kurt Boiger
Numerical Thermal Model of the Human Skin
Students: Janosch Schegg / Lucian Schneebeli
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Gernot Kurt Boiger / Lorenz Holzer
Smartphone-Based Medical Infrared Imaging
Students: Vincent Michel / Simon Schweizer
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Martin Loeser
Bachelor thesis 2016
Bildverarbeitung - Kombination der Bilder einer optischen und einer Infrarot-Kamera
Students: Lukas Reifler
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Martin Loeser
Coating Characterisation with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Students: Claudia Griesser-Manyara Oberkirsch
Tutor: Nils Reinke / Mathias Bonmarin
IR Kamera für die Qualitätsicherung von Applikatoren in der Oberflächenhyperthermie
Students: Michael Nyirö
Tutor: Stephan Scheidegger / Mathias Bonmarin
Bachelor thesis 2015
Development of a new thermal method for detection of cutaneous melanoma
Students: Michael Rutzer / Sandro Sigg
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Gernot Kurt Boiger
Hyperthermia therapy with nanorods: Designing an Infrared-LED excitation system
Students: Patrick Bösch / Samuel Zehnder
Tutor: Remo Ritzmann / Mathias Bonmarin
Bachelor thesis 2014
Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Students: Lars Erbach / Lino Schüpbach
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Nils Reinke
Bachelor thesis 2013
Skin Cancer Detection with Active Thermography - Lab Sciences Award and Award
Students: Bruno Schmid / Daniel Zolliker
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Nils Reinke
Bachelor thesis 2012
Measurement System for Early Stage Skin Cancer Detection
Students: Benjamin Bigler / Florian Mathys
Tutor: Mathias Bonmarin / Nils Reinke