Risk Management / Technology Assessment

„Modern risk management is based on the objectives of companies or organizations. Its primary mission is to promote the achievement of objectives, through an effective combination of risk and opportunity management. Our research, teaching and training in risk management can help you to achieve your organization's goals and your personal goals.“
Dr. Christian Zipper, Head of Research Area Risk Management und Technology Assessment INE

How can the risks posed by different technologies be calculated in the most comprehensive manner? How can the interests of the stakeholders take part in the risk management process? What does it mean integrated risk management for corporations?
The team at the Institute for Sustainable Development (INE) will gladly help you to find the answers to these questionings according to the specific needs of your situation.
Flyer German «Erfahrung und Expertise in der Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Technologien und Produkten»(PDF 80,2 KB) (PDF)
Our Services:
Trainings-Module: Train the Trainer
Additional to our continuing education programmes (MAS, DAS and CAS) we also offer diverse various training modules. These modules are aimed to those managers and specialised personnel who are responsible for the risk, emergency response and crisis management in their organisations. These modules convey through training units primarily the methodical, analytical and conceptual skills in the fields of integrated risk management, emergency response and crisis management and deepen into the resulting reflective practice.
Consulting in Corporate Risk Management (CRM) according to ISO 31000:2009
- Introductory workshops in the field of Corporate Risk Management (CRM) according to ISO 31000:2009
- Consulting and services in the field of CRM
- Coaching at the implementation of a CRM
Consulting in Risk and Crisis Communication
Our consulting offers are based on the ISO 31000:2009 framework and specialise in the areas of:
- Security and risk communication within the corporation.
- Risk communication in a socio-political environment.
- Emergency response and crisis communication.
Evaluation of Risk Management Software
We provide consulting oriented to the assessment and implementation of software-based tools for risk analytics, risk assessment and corporate risk management.
Sustainability Assessment
The Institute for Sustainable Development (INE) possesses vast experience and know-how in the fields of the sustainability assessment of technologies and products.
Technology Assessment
By means of applying systems analytics, within a technology assessment (TA), the broad spectrum of consequences are recognised, the appropriate evaluations are carried out, and - if applicable - the best-possible course of action is recommended. The core focus is on the technical application in a societal context.
Risk Consulting: Identification and Analysis
The detection of risks is the first sept of a risk assessment. In this process of searching and recognizing, the risks are identified and documented according to the different scopes of each problem (technology, corporation, process or system risks etc.). Based on the findings of the risk identification, the understanding of risks is developed. The consequences and their corresponding probabilities are determined and if necessary, aggregated. For these purposes diverse quantitative and qualitative methods are available. Accordingly - and additional to risks - chances are also identified and analysed. Using various criteria the chances and risks can be ultimately assessed and be clearly displayed.
Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA)
A sustainability impact assessment follows the objective of assessing and optimizing the development of projects that aim towards sustainable development. A SIA quickly identifies the expected effects that certain enterprise could have on the social, economic and environmental dimensions. It also pinpoints any conflict of goals between the single dimensions and/or with the mail goals of the enterprise, and where could the optimizations be implemented towards sustainability.
Current Projects
- Resilience and efficiency of smart and sustainable power grids
The focus of this project is on mesoscopic power grids and their stochastic modelling. - Swisscom IoT Study
This study is about to evaluate the effective energy savings and CO2 reduction of Internet of Things in certain use cases.
Resilience Engineering Webcast

Resilience Engineering is a new perspective and methodology in safety and risk management. Visit our Resilience Engineering website to find more information and to gain access to the Resilience Engineering webcast, where you will find thrilling videos with experts such as Erik Hollnagel!
Register: The access to the videos is free of charge for all visitors and the link will be sent to your e-mail address.
Course of study and continuing education
The Institute of Sustainable Development (INE) is involved in following course of study and continuing educations:
- Continuing education Integrated Risk Management
- Bachelor's degree Energy and Environment Engineering
- Bachelors degree Transportation Systems
- Master’s programme at the Institute of Sustainable Development
- Continuing education Mobility & Logistics
Continous Education in Risk Management
in integrated risk management
Master of Advanced Studies in Integrated Risk Management
The concept of the Masters of Advanced Studies in Integrated Risk Management (MAR IRM) is based on the ISO 31000:2009. This ISO norm is the international risk management normative and it is valid since 2009. All other ISO norms in safety and risk management align with this norm. The ISO 31000:2009 has clearly established itself in the last seven years clearly as the benchmark.
The Master of Advanced Studies in Integrated Risk Management (MAS IRM) conveys the students a practical, modular and future-oriented know-how.
Additional Information about ISO 31000:2009
- Maturity Models im Risik Management: Implementing ISO 31000:2009 (in German)
Journal «Management & Qualität», Bern, Nr.12/2013(PDF 255,0 KB) - ISO 31000:2009 auf Erfolgskurs (in German)
Journal «Management & Qualität», Bern, Nr. 07&08/2012(PDF 215,4 KB) - CRO im Unternehmen: Das neue Profil (in German)
NZZ-Beilage vom 23. Sept. 2011: «Scorecard: Das Themenmagazin für Führungskräfte»(PDF 63,3 KB). Themenheft: «CEO - Von der Strategie zum Unternehmenserfolg» - ISO 31000 – mit Frühwarn-Funktion (in German): Proaktives Risikomanagement
Journal «Management & Qualität», Bern, Nr.12/2008(PDF 254,0 KB) - Management du risque pour les entreprises: Quel est l’apport des nouvelles normes? (in French)
Zeitschrift «Management & Qualität», Bern, Nr.12/2008(PDF 194,6 KB) - Integriertes Risikomanagement: eine Kompetenz mit Zukunftspotenzial: (in German)
Neue Risikomanager braucht das Land, Zeitschrift «technica», Nr. 11/2007 (PDF 193,6 KB) - Kommunikation im Dienst der Sicherheit (in German)
Schweizerische Kommunal Revue, Nr. 04/2007(PDF 113,6 KB) - ISO Geneva: Fokus ISO 31000:2009