Multiphysics Modeling and Imaging
Multiphysics Modelling and Imaging is one of our core competencies, which faces an increasing demand in industry and research. We model phenomena that are affected by multiple physical influences.
About us
Multiphysics modeling is a method with applications in various problems. For example, we model the solidification of steel and predict the properties of the liquid as well as the solid state of the steel and additionally observe the mechanical deformation of the cooling process.
To calculate multi-physical models, several topics of physics and their interrelationships have to be considered. These models are much more accurate (and much more complex) than considering the isolated physical processes.
Our experience allows us to describe multi-physical models by mathematical models from the bottom up. To solve these equation systems we develop special numerical methods and algorithms which we solve by either self-written or commercial software. The level of detail of the derived models is adapted to both, the available data as well as the necessities of the problem.
Models that describe physical processes are only useful if they can be confirmed by real data. To gather these data and test our models, we collaborate with partner institutes, for example, the Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy at ETH or we collect the data directly in our optoelectronics-labor (O-LAB). The O-LAB offers the unique possibility to set up specialized test cases to refine our models and develop new measuring methods that provide us problem specific investigations.
It is this approach that allows us to establish models that are so close to reality to fulfill the accuracy and complexity that is required in practice. Our partners and clients profit from these bespoken solutions in all phases of a product life cycle.
Our research area is separated in three areas
OpenFoam for Multiphysics Applications
Thermodynamics for Multiphysics Applications
Microstructure Analysis & Property Prediction

Our insights and expertise in modeling multi-physicals phenomena is applicable to many different problems. To enable that, we make use of different types of software:
Internal Developed Software
Free and Open-Source Software
Besides developing multi-physical software we focus on the following trend-setting technologies: