DynPOWER 2024
For the eighth time, another edition of the international workshop on dynamic stability challenges of the future power grids DynPOWER took place successfully. This year, the workshop was brought back to Switzerland and in the Kultur & Kongresshaus (kuk) Aarau, Switzerland, on Monday, 9 September 2024.
The 2024 workshop covered a broad range of topics of power systems dynamics and where real applications to mitigate nowadays challenges where presented. It was attended by 35 people in Aarau and more than 300 people online from more than 60 nations. There were 7 presentations from experts from industry and academia, which thanks the financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundation came from abroad and the presentations triggered interesting discussions among the participants. Moreover, the persons attending the event in Aarau had the opportunity to also participate in the technical visit to Swissgrid AG, where they visited the control room and learned the operation of the Swiss power systems and its role in continental Europe. Visitors to kuk also had the chance to see a demonstration of the ABB SSC600 + HIL606 Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing Setup for Digital Substations from our sponsors ABB and Typhoon HIL.
On behalf of the organising committee, we thank Swiss National Science Foundation, ABB, Typhoon HIL, and Swissgrid AG for their support and to all attendees for making the event a big success once again. We look forward to welcoming you in Rome, 2025 in another exciting event co-organized by Terna, the transmission system operator in Italy.
After the event we conducted a satisfactory survey among participants. Following some feedback received from the persons attending DynPOWER 2024.
Access to Presenters Material
- Gustavo Valverde, ETHZ, Switzerland
“Distributed Energy Resources in Power System Dynamics: From modelling to control and stability”.
Link to Valverde slides, Link to Valverde Video
- Luigi Vanfretti, RPI, USA
“Monitoring power system dynamics and damping control re-design using system identification”.
Link to Vanfretti slides, Link to Vanfretti Video
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Kyoto University, Japan
“Koopman operator techniques for power grid dynamic data”.
Link to Susuki slides, Link to Susuki Video
- Giorgio Giannuzzi and Cosimo Pisani, Terna, Italy
“Challenges in Modern Power System Stability: a mitigation strategy for interarea oscillations risk”.
Link to Giannuzzi/Pisani slides
- Asja Derviškadić, Swissgrid AG, Switzerland
“Dynamic power system model parameter identification from on-field islanding test measurements”.
Link to Derviškadić slides
- Sara Sulis, University of Cagliari, Italy
“The problem of the measurement accuracy of PMU-based WAMS data”.
Link to Sulis slides, Link to Sulis Video
Fabrizio Sossan, HES-SO, Switzerland
“Experimental validation of grid-forming converters in a low-inertia setting”.
Link to Sossan slides, Link to Sossan Video
Organising Committee

- Dr. Rafael Segundo, DynPOWER General Chair
Research Associate, Institute of Energy Systems and Fluid Engineering (IEFE)
Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
- Prof. Petr Korba, DynPOWER Technical Program Chair
Head of Electric Power Systems and Smart Grids Group, Institute of Energy Systems and Fluid Engineering (IEFE)
Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW