Statistical Consulting
Consulting in Statistical Data Analysis and Machine Learning at the IDP for members of ZHAW and external clients.

Why consulting in Statistics and Machine Learning?

A well-founded data analysis is the backbone of any scientific work. We would like to share our experience in statistical data analysis, machine learning, deep learning and design of experiment with members of ZHAW and commercial clients in order to improve the quality of R&D activities and organizational procedures. Involving people with profound knowledge in statistics or machine learning saves costs and increases the quality of the results
Target audience
Research assistants, lecturers, administrative staff and assistants at the ZHAW. ZHAW students are only advised when accompanied by their supervisor. Unfortunately, students from other institutions cannot be advised. Commercial clients.
Support for questions about statistics and machine learning including questions about R and Python.
Send your request
Fill out the following form to request a consultation.
We will contact you within five working days.
The first two consulting hours are covered by the ZHAW / IDP.
Range of services
- Annual meeting of persons interested in statistics at the ZHAW
Further statistical consultation service centers
Within the ZHAW
- Statistical Consulting at ICLS, Department Life Sciences und Facility Management
- Statistical Consulting at IPT, Departement of Health
Statistical consulting at other institutes / universities