Institute of Sustainable Development (INE)

„Develop smart and sustainable solutions for the transition of the energy and mobility system. This is what motivates the team of the Institute of Sustainable Development and me.“
Prof. Dr. Armin Eberle, Head of Institute
Main research
The Institute of Sustainable Development (INE) observes technological, economic and social changes and their complex interactions from a sustainability perspective. Using applied research, we identify future demands on technologies and their future-compatible integration into systems. We concentrate on the following three subject areas:
- Sustainable Energy Systems and Smart Cities
How should energy systems be organised to ensure that they are technologically productive, ecologically sustainable and financially worthwhile?
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Mobility
What do competitive, ecologically friendly and socially compatible supply chains and transport systems look like?
- Risk Management / Technology Assessment
How can risks be assessed as precisely and thoroughly as possible and new technologies be reliably and comparatively evaluated?
INE researchers have the key competencies – namely interdisciplinary skills and extensive methodological knowledge, especially in the areas of foresight and risk management – to develop sustainable solutions in these fields. They evaluate trends, assess technologies and use the results of these analyses to design Smart Regions and future-oriented business models, taking into account the needs, acceptance and behaviours of stakeholders.
Course of study and continuing education
The Institute of Sustainable Development (INE) is involved in following course of study and continuing educations:
- Bachelor's degree Energy and Environment Engineering
- Bachelors degree Transportation Systems
- Master’s programme at the Institute of Sustainable Development
- Continuing education Integrated Risk Management
- Continuing education Mobility & Logistics
- Open brochure continuing education in pdf format (german only)(PDF 620,8 KB)
As a research-oriented institute, the Institute of Sustainable Development (INE) takes an active part in scientific discourse. Our staff members publish in internationally renowned magazines.
At a glance
3 Main research fields
1 Lab