2nd International Conference on the Simulation of Building-Integrated Energy Systems SIGES 2018
The 2nd International Conference on the Simulation of Building-Integrated Energy Systems offers an overview of the fields of application and the developments in the renewable energy sector regarding building technology. The conference will take place in cooperation with the EuroSun 2018 in Rapperswil (Switzerland).
Announcing SIGES 2018

It is my pleasure to announce the second Conference on the Simulation of Building-Integrated Energy Systems SIGES. After a first execution in September 2016 at ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, we plan to hold the follow-up conference in cooperation with EuroSun 2018 in Rapperswil.
Energy performance requirements, the demand for renewable energy and the tightening of energy regulations have strongly influenced the building sector. New products have evolved and a systems view has established itself. Thermal and electrical components interrelate and may take active or passive roles as producers, energy storage devices or consumers.
With progressive digitalization in the building sector, the energy topic has become even more relevant. The planning process is about to shift from a 2D paper based approach to a complex process, based on a continuously changing multi-dimensional data structure. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become a new methodology in which energy considerations play a major role. Physics-based predictive simulation has become increasingly important. It is inevitable to account for solar energy, be it as passive solar gains through the windows or active solar components on the rooftop or in the façade.
The conference on the Simulation of Building-Integrated Energy Systems SIGES offers an opportunity to exchange innovative ideas and present recent research results. It builds a bridge between the academic world and implementation of progressive energy systems. Furthermore, we have managed to join the international Conference on Solar Air Conditioning and the Swissolar Solar Heating Conference, all under the roof of EuroSun 2018. This exciting event provides an outstanding platform for networking, creativity and new experience.
Andreas Witzig
Scientific Chair of SIGES 2018 and
Member of the EuroSun 2018 Steering Committee
The details of the program can be found in the flyer(PDF 913,4 KB) (in German).
Additional Information
Thursday: German
Friday: Talks in English, Workshops in German
Book of Abstracts in German and English
Conference Venue
HSR - University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
Oberseestrasse 10
CH-8640 Rapperswil