Digital Participation

Function: Digital participation shifts a part of democratic decision-making processes to digital platforms. Participation begins with direct online consultation with members of parliament, ranges from the use of campaign platforms and the submission of one's own online petitions to discussion and brainstorming. Increasingly, votes are also being held online. This can range from digital community meetings to electoral processes for having a say in budget decisions.
Advantages: Citizens can become more involved in political discussion and decision-making processes, and the relationship between citizens and authorities can improve. Depending on how the tools are used, e.g. in an early phase of brainstorming or participation in budget decisions, the democratic impact of citizens is strengthened and thus democracy is promoted.
Disadvantages: Can also have the opposite effect if civic engagement is called upon but the input is not processed or the benefit is not made transparent.
- Office for Future Issues, Vorarlberg (AUT), Participation Platform:
- Campus for Democracy, Bern, political education and participation forum:
- Platform for youth participation:, examples from Regensdorf, Kriens, Zurich, Swiss Confederation