HealthTech Summer School - Master Course
HealthTech Summer School
The unique course in Switzerland to learn the Biodesign concept developed at Stanford University more than 20 years ago.
The course is supported by ZHAW Entrepreneurship. A big thanks to the team for their support!
Course Description
Title: HealthTech Summer School – Inventing next generation medical devices: From clinic immersion to MVP & business plan
Short Code: HealthTech Summer School
ECTS Credits: 6
Test on pre-readings (multiple choice, 30 min, 25% of grade) - Online test
Group Presentation 1 (written & oral, 15 min, 25% of grade) on needs & market selection
Group Presentation 2 (written & oral, 20 min, 50% of grade) on seed-stage business plan incl. (MVP) product concept in-front of Industry Expert Jury
Decision Date: mid February
Start Date: tbd
End Date: tbd
Date Details: Self study during spring semester (pre-readings) + 12 course days in summer.
Type: Self-study (pre-readings) during the spring semester (total 30 hours). 12 full-day workshops (teaching, in class activities and group work progress meetings, total 100 hours) with independent self-study immersion and small group work periods (total 30 hours) during the summer break.
Language(s): English
Description: The goal of this course is to learn the “Biodesign” approach developed at Stanford University to foster breakthrough innovation in medical technology and digital health.
Contents and Learning Objectives: Key book: “Biodesign - The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies” adapted to a European setting.
Stage 1 Needs Finding
1.1 Biodesign process and strategic focus
1.2 Observation and problem identification
1.3 Disease fundamentals
1.4 Clinical immersion
1.5 Need statement development
Stage 2 Needs Screening
2.1 Treatment options
2.2 Market gap and stakeholder analysis 2.3 Needs filtering
2.4 Intellectual property basics
Stage 3 Concept Generation with Design thinking tools
3.1 Ideation and brainstorming
3.2 Prototyping, concept screening, Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Stage 4 Product Concept and Business Strategy
4.2 Regulatory and clinical basics
4.3 Reimbursement basics
4.4 Research and development strategy for hard- and software
4.5 Business and fund-raising strategy
Admission: Based on qualification (CV)
Literature: Biodesign – The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies, Paul Yock, Stefanos Zenios, Josh Makower, Todd Brinton, Uday Kumar, Cambridge Academic (2015). ISBN 978-1-107-08735-4
Information on the Moodle MSE website.
How to register
ZHAW and non-ZHAW MSE students: ask your advisor to enrol you to the EVA course. Send a CV and motivational email to Dr. Mathias Bonmarin (
ZHAW Master students from School of Health Professions: Send a CV and motivational email to Nicole Zigan (
ZHAW Master students not enrolled in the Master of Science in Engineering: ask your study advisor or study program manager to check if you are eligible and if the credits will be transfered. Send a CV and motivational email to Dr. Jens Haarmann (
External students: A limited number of places is available for Non-ZHAW students, in particular to EELISA members. We welcome your application with CV and motivational email as well your questions regarding the course. Please contact Dr. Jens Haarmann (

This summer school offers one of the few opportunities to develop digital or technical solution ideas based on patients' and healthcare professionals' needs out of the real-world Swiss healthcare system in small groups together with students from other departments.
Nicole Zigan
Co-lead HealthTech Summer School

Disruptive innovation isn’t about technology alone — it’s about precisely defining the clinical problem and the many interdependencies in the complex healthcare system.
Dr. Jens Haarmann
Co-lead HealthTech Summer School

The HealthTech Summer School Master course is a unique opportunity to learn about how to innovate in the healthcare sector and have a real impact on the society
Prof. Dr. Mathias Bonmarin
Co-lead HealthTech Summer School