Arbon Demonstrator
In the framework of the Arbon demonstration project several technologies and methods in the area of “smart-grids” will be implemented. The goal of the project is not only to evaluate the technological possibilities, but also to investigate the economic conditions and business models that make the tested technologies financial attractive.

To this purpose the following research questions are analyzed:
- Which business models can make central and decentral flexibilities profitable?
- Under which economic incentives can a central battery in a residential area be operated?
- How will the attractivity, the share and the turnover of central and decentral flexibilities change for the different actors?
These questions will be evaluated making use of the modelling platform TREES (Transition Regional Energy Systems) of the ZHAW. The TREES model will be adapted to the investigated area to identify the potential flexibility and to determine the added value of new business models.
Additionally, making use of a cockpit different strategies and scenarios will be tested. The TREES platform as well as the Cockpit can be adapted to other case studies.
At a glance
Participating institutes and centres:
Project partner:
Project lead:
Project team:
- Dr. Silvia Ulli-Beer, Mirjam West
Project financing: CTI (now Innosuisse)
Project status: 2017 - 2020