
Background: Intuitive method to develop, present, plan or write down a topic area. Should activate the brain's ability to form, break down and reassemble categories.
Objective: To develop, structure and cluster ideas around a central concept.
Approach: A working paper (the bigger the better) is provided with a catchy picture, keyword or sketch in the middle, which represents the central idea of the mind map. Starting from this central concept, lines are connected to further concepts spontaneously linked to the key concept. Around the respective terms and keywords, further sub-items are written around the individual keywords, and in each case lines and sub-items are again connected to form new keywords. The result is a picture of lines and terms, in the middle of which the central idea is located. Tip: When using the mind map as a creative technique, don't spend too much time thinking about where keywords are connected to which lines. This interrupts the flow of creation. When using mind maps to structure ideas, however, the focus is more on the lines and connections than on the keywords. It is recommended to make two mind maps. One for the creation of new topics, connections and terms (a creation mind map) and one in which the lines and terms are sorted and structured (a structure mind map).
Advantage: Intuitive method, easy to learn, cheap.
Disadvantage: Requires rework (limiting and structuring of ideas). Does not provide a structure along which new keywords and terms are stimulated: The best mind mapping tools on the web: https://t3n.de/news/mind-mapping-online-tools-568258/