Degree Programs and Modules on Offer
The SML offers Bachelor's and Master's degree programs that are scientifically sound, interdisciplinary, and characterized by a high level of practical orientation.

The ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML) offers internationally recognized Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs and a broad range of continuing education courses and programs. All our programs and courses meet the high standard of the Swiss education system. At the same time, they are internationally oriented and promote global perspectives. The SML has proudly maintained accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) since 2015 and achieved EQUIS accreditation by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in 2023. In addition, the SML has featured in the prestigious Financial Times rankings since 2020 – including the “European Business School Rankings”, which list the best European business schools.
As an incoming exchange student, you can choose from a wide range of modules in our Bachelor’s degree programs in Business Administration (various specializations), International Management, Business Information Technology, Business Law, and Applied Law. In addition, the SML also has a number of consecutive Master’s degree programs that focus on a specific specialization but also offer interdisciplinary modules. Incoming Bachelor’s students can choose from the following Bachelor’s modules. Incoming Master’s students can choose from the following Bachelor’s and Master’s modules.
Program in English
To meet the needs of Swiss students wanting to prepare for a career in international business, the SML offers an increasing range of modules taught in English as part of its regular Bachelor’s and Master’s curriculum. Currently, some 100 modules taught in English are available during the academic year. These modules are ideal for incoming students, who can study alongside their Swiss peers. Content-wise, there is no difference between modules taught in English or German. Incoming students whose language skills meet the requirements are welcome to choose modules offered in either German or English, or a combination of both.
Module Registration and Class Schedule
During the application process, all incoming students receive the module lists shown above, from which they can select their modules. The timetable is sent to them shortly before the start of the semester so that they can adjust their selection if necessary. However, actual enrolment only takes place during Orientation Week. The International Office will help you adjust your timetable in the event of a time conflict or if a module needs to be substituted for any other reason.
Academic Support Coordinator for International Students
The ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML) is committed to making it easier for international students to begin their studies and succeed academically, whether as incoming students or as part of an international study program.
The Academic Support Coordinator for International Students plays a central role in this and provides targeted support to help students realize their full academic and personal potential. Our service includes:
- Individual Advice: Support with study orientation, selection of modules, and clarification of academic requirements and expectations.
- Workshops and Training Courses: Development of essential skills in the areas of learning strategies, time management, academic writing, presentation techniques, and exam preparation.
- Feedback and Development: Organization of surveys and focus groups to ensure a continuous improvement of the study experience.
Orientation Week and Classes
As an incoming student, you will be expected to arrive one week before classes start in order to attend a mandatory week of orientation. The exact starting dates can be found in the academic calendar. During Orientation Week, you will be welcomed by the International Team, taken on a tour of the campus, and be provided with everything you need to know about your upcoming exchange semester (e.g., travelling around in Switzerland, the Swiss health insurance system, our IT infrastructure, and much more). In addition, there will be plenty of opportunities to meet and get to know the other exchange students at a special joint event. A voluntary four-day Basic German Taster Course will be open to anyone interested in learning some basic German (worth 2 ECTS credits).
During your semester abroad, you will have 14 weeks of classes. A lesson lasts 45 minutes, with one module usually consisting of 2-4 weekly lessons. Depending on the workload required, each module is worth 3 or 6 ECTS credits. Types of modules include core modules, electives, and modules specifically designed for incoming students. In general, transcripts, case studies, and other materials are provided on our online learning platform Moodle. Textbooks can be ordered directly or in many cases borrowed from the university library.
Academic Workload, Grading System, and Transcript of Records
The credit system used at the SML is based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The workload of a full-time student at the SML equals 30 ECTS credits per semester, with one credit requiring 25-30 hours of study. The number of credits an incoming student must acquire is determined by his or her home university. However, the SML expects all incoming students to earn between 15 (min.) and 45 (max.) ECTS credits during their exchange semester.
Like most Swiss universities, the SML uses a grading scale ranging from 1.0 to 6.0. The pass grade is 4.0, and the maximum achievable grade is 6.0. In order to help your home university to transfer your credits, an additional ECTS grade between A to F is also awarded.
At the end of the semester, the International Office will prepare an official transcript of records for each student, documenting:
- all modules taken, including the language of instruction;
- the number of ECTS credits (possible and awarded);
- the grade awarded by the SML; and
- the ECTS grade.