Social Media Newsroom
Stay in touch! The ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML) is also represented in the social media. LinkedIn and Instagram are the fastest way to find out about news, important messages, and changes in SML everyday life.
👑👑👑 Wir haben die «Triple Crown»! Die Association of MBAs (AMBA) hat die ZHAW School of Management and Law akkreditiert. Zusammen mit AACSB und EQUIS erhält die SML die dritte internationale ...
👑 👑 👑 School of Management and Law Receives Coveted "Triple Crown"! ZHAW School of Management and Law is now accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA). In addition to AACSB and EQUIS from EFMD ...
SML Career Services is now on LinkedIn! On this channel the #CareerServices of the ZHAW School of Management and Law will help you prepare for your career start and realize your career goals.
Strategic impetus for the automotive industry: This year's Autohaus 2025 Spotlight, organized by the Institute of Information Systems at the ZHAW School of Management and Law, once again offered ...
Du möchtest eine Startup-Idee in die Tat umsetzen? Dann bist du bei der ZHAW Startup Challenge 2025 genau richtig! Als Teilnehmer/in hast du die Chance, deine Startup-Idee mithilfe erfahrenen ...
DACH Compliance Conference | Digital transformation and sustainability: challenges for compliance On March 27, 2025, the DACH Compliance Conference of the Institute for Regulation and Competition ...
Herzlich Willkommen an der ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Regula Jöhl!
Award for Best Publication in the Field of #Entrepreneurship Education Thierry Volery, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Head of the Department General Management at the ZHAW School of Management and ...
Digitale Applikationen: Darin liegen neue Chancen für die Physiotherapie, wie der WIG-Blog zeigt:
Exclude emissions-intensive companies from the portfolio? Anyone who invests in a company with high greenhouse gas emissions is taking a considerable risk. It must be expected that regulatory changes, ...
Diagnostik mit Hilfe von getrockneten Bluttropfen? Was es damit auf sich hat und wie das funktionieren soll, erklärt der WIG-Blog:
Why diversity programs are being cut Diversity programs are increasingly being cut in the USA. With the return of Donald Trump, the political pressure on companies is increasing. The media is ...
Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in education and training. Many universities in Switzerland have adapted and expanded their courses in this area. The ZHAW, for example, ...
Aftermovie zum erfolgreichen MarTech Summit 2024 an der @zhaw_sml. Wir freuen uns bereits auf den MArTech Summit 2025! #zhawsml #marketing #martech
Unser Rettungswesen – Mit Blaulicht zum gesamtschweizerischen OKP-Tarif Zum WIG-Beitrag:
Stress tests for the Swiss electricity system Researchers from ETH Zürich and ZHAW School of Management and Law are simulating in a new study how the future Swiss power system could be structured to ...
Criminal proceedings lasting years are not uncommon - Criminal trials in Switzerland often drag on for months or even years. Why this is the case and possible solutions are discussed in the current ...
Many thanks👏 to Armin Ledergerber for the exciting keynote on artificial intelligence at our SML management workshop.
Higher health insurance premiums for pensioners - The FDP's proposal that older people should pay higher health insurance premiums is causing debate in health policy and society. Link to the ...
Die @zhaw_sml wünscht allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest!🎄🎁 The SML wishes a Merry Christmas to everyone! 🎅 . . . #zhawsml #weihnachten #christmas