Our Media Presence


15 January 2025
Why Diversity Programs Are Being Scrapped in the USA
In the USA, the terms diversity, equity, and inclusion have become highly politicized. SRF spoke with Dr. Daniela Frau, Diversity Management Officer at the ZHAW School of Management and Law, about the implications for Switzerland.

6 January 2025
Zürich-based success story Chimpy: Its power banks charge the phones of the TikTok generation
The green rental batteries from Chimpy are a Zürich success story. The Tages-Anzeiger takes a closer look at the business idea and gives Nico Pfändler, an expert in circular economy from ZHAW, a chance to speak.
20 Minuten

9 December 2024
"Israel has done the rebels a service"
Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad has been overthrown. What does this mean for the country, the region, and the world? The Swiss news portal 20 Minuten covered the ZHAW International Business Podium with Middle East expert and Swiss-Syrian Khaldoun Dia-Eddine via livestream.
ZHAW Impact

4 December 2024
“I learnt most of what I know on the job”
Stefan Flückiger has represented Switzerland at the highest international level. After a long career as a diplomat, the easy thing to do in retirement would be to sit back and enjoy life. Instead, he is more than happy to pass on his experience to students at the ZHAW.

21 November 2024
Inclusion and Diversity as Key Elements
Starting in 2025, ZHAW will offer a course to train leaders in diversity and inclusion, equipping them to make companies future-ready. The "Sustainability" special edition of Handelszeitung introduces the CAS program Managing Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Sustainability.
Leader digital

Circular Economy in Focus at the Thurgau Economic Forum
At the 28th Thurgau Economic Forum, Christian Vögtlin, Co-Head of the Center for Corporate Responsibility at ZHAW, highlighted the importance of sustainability for businesses in Switzerland and internationally.

26 October 2024
Ukraine Vis à Vis Russia and the EU by Alina Nychyk
Alina Nychyk from the ZHAW International Management Institute spoke in an interview with the YouTube channel UkeTube about her new book and her motivation for studying Ukraine's foreign policy. From her perspective, it is a topic often overlooked, as Ukraine is historically viewed mostly through the lens of Western and Russian relations. In her book, Nychyk offers a unique, Ukrainian perspective on these dynamics.
Die Volkswirtschaft

24 October 2024
Switzerland is not a G-20 member — and yet, it’s involved
At the time of the G-20's founding, Switzerland was one of the world’s 20 strongest economies. Yet, it is not a member. Why? In an article by Dominique Ursprung from the ZHAW Center for Global Competitiveness and ZHAW alumna Mira Braun, a new analysis explains and illustrates how Switzerland still participates in the group’s activities.

17 October 2024
25 Years of MAS Business Administration at Lilienberg
As part of the HZ special "Continuing Education & Career," a double interview was published featuring Susanne Grüner, Director of the Unternehmerforum Lilienberg in Ermatingen, and Christian Olivier Graf, Program Director of the MAS Business Administration at the ZHAW. The discussion covers entrepreneurial success logic, empathy, and a unique learning environment.

16 October 2024
Financial Knowledge in Switzerland Moderate – Despite Strengthening in the Curriculum
Many Swiss people are unable to answer basic financial questions. Women and young people, in particular, perform moderately. In a TV interview with SRF, Michael Kendzia from ZHAW comments on this issue.
Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt Stiftung

15 October 2024
Prospects for conflict resolution in 2024 and beyond
In her policy brief, developed as part of a workshop on the future of transatlantic relations, ZHAW colleague Alina Nychyk examines potential consequences arising from a victory by either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election.
Business Post

07 October 2024
Irish firms must 're-evaluate their supply chains' amid geopolitical risks
Irish companies should reassess their supply chains and talent sourcing, warns the head of the ZHAW International Management Institute, Christopher Hartwell, in the leading Irish business newspaper “Business Post”: Geopolitical risks pose a significant threat to Irish companies.

01 October 2024
Financial literacy in Switzerland 2024
The True Wealth Financial Literacy Index 2024 was conducted by the market research institute GfK on behalf of True Wealth, with content oversight by Michael J. Kendzia from ZHAW.
RTÉ Radio 1

28 September 2024
The Cost of Conflict
As international conflicts become more frequent, geopolitics is increasingly a critical risk factor for businesses. Joining host Richard Curran to discuss this on the Irish radio show “The Business” is Christopher Hartwell, Head of the ZHAW International Management Institute and an expert in global business risk.

26 September 2024
Circular Economy Instead of Hamster Wheel
The HZ focuses on continuing education opportunities in the field of the circular economy and also features Nico Pfändler from the ZHAW Center for International Industrial Solutions.
Perspectives de médiation

17 September 2024
Negotiation in Conflict Situations
In the French-language podcast “Perspectives de médiation”, Khaldoun Dia-Eddine from the ZHAW Center for Global Competitiveness discusses the mechanisms and dynamics underlying conflicts. The conversation with the expert in negotiation highlights the crucial role mediation can play in resolving armed conflicts, offering practical perspectives and strategies to promote a peaceful resolution.

17 September 2024
Swiss Nationalrat in favour of stricter investment controls
When foreign investors want to take over Swiss companies, they should be subject to stricter controls in the future. This is the will of the Swiss Nationalrat. The trigger for the new legislative project was the acquisition of the Swiss agrochemical company Syngenta by the state-owned company ChemChina in 2017. Khaldoun Dia-Eddine from the ZHAW Center for Global Competitiveness speaks on the SRF program "Echo der Zeit."
15 August 2024
Can diplomacy prevent a major war?
Suddenly a victory for quiet diplomacy is possible: Iran has so far held back with its announced retaliatory strike against Israel. There is talk of successful diplomatic negotiations. In an article from Swiss newspaper "Blick", Dominique Ursprung from the ZHAW Center for Global Competitiveness reveals what is needed to achieve this goal.
Parlamentarische Gruppe H2 Power-to-X
7 June 2024
Key challenges in achieving net zero emission targets with zero-carbon hydrogen
Net zero requires the CO2-free electrification of all electricity generation and consumption, including carbon-free hydrogen. Peter Qvist-Sørensen, Deputy Head of the ZHAW International Management Institute and Head of the Center for International Industrial Solutions, explains what it will take to tackle this daunting task.

3 June 2024
ZHAW study: Lack of technology makes ESG reporting difficult for Swiss companies
Almost 40 percent of Swiss companies will not publish a sustainability report in 2024. According to a ZHAW survey, this is primarily due to technical inadequacies and a lack of specialists.
Le Temps

28 May 2024
Les entreprises suisses sont peu préparées pour fournir des rapports de durabilité
The French-language article in the Swiss edition of Le Temps looks at the results of the Swiss Managers Survey 2024 conducted by the ZHAW: around 70% of Swiss companies that are required to provide information on their ESG footprint will do so this year, 10% will not be able to do so and 20% do not know. The reasons for this are technical difficulties and a lack of qualified personnel, including at management level.
23 May 2024
Responsibility is increasing
Changes are taking place rapidly in the areas of sustainability and corporate responsibility; corresponding continuing education programs must adapt quickly. The article by Peter Ernst in the "Sustainability" special of the Handelszeitung presents the CAS Corporate Responsibility at the ZHAW School of Management and Law.

21 March 2024
Ethos calls on asset managers to toughen stance on sustainability at AGMs
IPE evaluates the results of the "Voting for Sustainability" study, in which the ZHAW Center for Global Competitiveness was also involved, and formulates its conclusions: The fact that the voting behavior of asset managers at company AGMs and the supposedly underlying views of asset owners on sustainability issues diverge significantly provides cause for concern and potential for improvement.
Le Temps

21 March 2024
Credit Suisse est le gérant le plus engagé pour la durabilité, selon une étude zurichoise
The French-language article in the Swiss edition of Le Temps deals with the results of the "Voting for Sustainability" study, in which the ZHAW Center for Global Competitiveness was also involved: It evaluates the voting behavior of asset managers at company AGMs in 2023 and compares it with the views of asset owners on sustainability issues.
IMD Business School
20 March 2024
Will the current “ambitious” sustainability targets foster the next wave of corporate scandals?
Overly ambitious sustainability goals can have dire consequences. In an article for IMD Business School, Prof. Dr. Marco Clemente and Prof. Dr. Christian Vögtlin, Co-Directors of the ZHAW Center for Corporate Responsibility, provide five strategies for managers to ensure success without risking damage to their image – or worse.
USA Today
28 February 2024
Ukraine burns. Republicans and Biden dither. And Russia's Vladimir Putin smiles.
In his opinion piece for USA Today, Christopher Hartwell, Head of the ZHAW International Management Institute, discusses why Ukraine needs military support from countries that have a vested interest in stopping Russian aggression in Eastern Europe.
Schaffhauser Nachrichten

16 February 2024
Companies in search of purpose: more than just a marketing ploy?
In this interview, Albena Björck, a researcher at the ZHAW in the field of strategic management with a focus on purpose-oriented organizations, explains the opportunities and risks of management and marketing that is based on the concept of purpose and thus promises social or ecological meaning beyond the pursuit of profit.
15 February 2024
Eldorado with pitfalls
India wants to make better use of its potential. There are opportunities for Swiss companies. But is the country already an alternative to China? The Handelszeitung provides current insights and quotes Dominique Ursprung, lecturer and Deputy Head of the Center for Global Competitiveness at the ZHAW School of Management and Law.

8 February 2024
All career paths open
Professional continuing education in management and leadership opens doors to new opportunities, a wide range of commitments and different professions. Management knowledge is always in demand, everywhere. The Handelszeitung presents the MAS Business Administration of the ZHAW School of Management and Law, a successful program that has been running for 25 years.
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