Internal services

The Center Team makes its substantial knowledge and teaching experience available to lecturers and education staff at the School of Management and Law.
Findings from current research are utilized and integrated into university teaching. This direct application approach safeguards high quality in teaching and ensures the feasibility of teaching methods.
Lecturer consulting service
We offer a personal consulting service in all aspects of teaching and learning at the university. This deals with specific teaching issues which can be answered in a consultation consisting of 1-2 meetings. Whether this is for a newcomer or an experienced practitioner, the adviser always takes the role of sparring partner to provide detailed and applicable feedback.
Lecturer coaching service
Coaching provides the opportunity to engage in depth with teaching scenarios over the course of several meetings. In addition to discussion sessions, a classroom visit also takes place, the external perspective giving the coach useful insights into areas for development.
The full range of consulting services is free of charge for lecturers at the School of Management and Law and is characterized by low-threshold entry, straightforward procedures, and complete confidentiality. Consulting services are only carried out at the personal request of the client and no information is passed to any third party. For more information, please contact Andrea Reichmuth directly.
Conception and development of learning contexts
We plan, develop, and implement ICT-based learning tools. During the first stage, we evaluate the various ICT possibilities for the design of teaching-learning contexts by differentiating between information sources, learning programs, working tools, and interaction tools. In the second stage, we develop specific teaching settings and/or individual learning sequences.
Didactic design: E-learning/distance learning
We offer all ZHAW departments services in the field of E-learning, e.g., tools for blended learning and distance learning activities, multimedia applications, as well as for surveys and evaluations. Our goal is to integrate digital learning media into mainstream university teaching and to further its role in that area. We conceptualize and produce teaching videos for Bachelor degree-level modules within the framework of the "Distance Learning" project.
Support learning platform Moodle
Moodle is used as a platform for E-learning at ZHAW. We advise students in the use of E-learning applications and in addition we assist in the operation of E-learning applications as well as providing technical support.