Research Projects

The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning develops and conducts research into innovative university teaching methodologies and techniques. It has a wide range of experience in the successful acquisition and implementation of national (e.g., the Swiss National Science Foundation or the Commission for Technology and Innovation) and international (e.g., EU projects) research and development projects, and has an extensive network of national and international contacts.
Current Projects
The EU project EAGLE uses Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Source Tools to implement a learning platform to promote self-regulated study in the workplace.
SoMeCat – Social Media as a Catalysor for Cross National Learning (Okt. 2012-Sept. 2014)
The international R&D project “SoMeCat” (EU FP7 Era.NET RUS), examines the application and application possibilities of social media for teaching/learning and research at universities.
EvalTab (2014)
In EvalTab, the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning has been evaluating the use of tablet computers within the framework of a "paperless study" project (external evaluation) from a teaching perspective.
SNF Scopes (2012-2014)
SNF SCOPES (Jan. 2012- Dec. 2014). The promotion of research and teaching competence at eastern European universities through the use of online tools.
BeForE – Bericht Forsight in Education
Digital change is happening with increasing frequency, and the speed at which innovation occurs is accelerating all over the world. To enable us to act effectively tomorrow, the course for the future has to be set today.