Bachelor’s Degree Program in Business Information Technology

"I found the Business Information Technology program extremely varied. The balance between IT skills such as programming and business knowledge was perfect. I also liked its strong relevance to current topics and the practical examples."
Miro Harasic, Graduate, Business Information Technology - Business Analyst, Graduate Training Program, UBS
Would you like to become actively involved in shaping the digitalization of society? If the answer is yes, then the Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology is the ideal starting point for your professional career.
Business IT professionals work in the nerve centers of companies and organizations. Their responsibilities lie at the intersection of people and technology and include designing, implementing, and operating innovative, cutting-edge, and complex socio-technical systems.
After passing the first year of studies, students choose one of two specializations (majors): Business Information Systems or Data Science.
Business Information Systems is a traditional IT course with three focus areas: processes, system development, and analytics. Data Science focuses on analytics and data science. In particular, you will learn how to deal with data and extract valuable information for companies.
Both specializations offer excellent career prospects. With a Bachelor’s in Business Information Technology, you will be a sought-after expert able to work in Switzerland and all over the world.
At a Glance
Title: Bachelor of Science (BSc) ZHAW in Business Information Technology
Academic Achievement: 180 ECTS credits (one ECTS corresponds to approx. 30 hours of study time)
Duration: 6 semesters (full-time), 8 semesters (part-time)
Start of Program: Mid-September (calendar week 38)
Location: Winterthur
Language of Instruction: German
Semester Fee: CHF 720.- (subject to change)
Application Deadline: 30 April 2025 - apply now
What You Will Learn
The focus of this degree program is process design and the data flow of companies. When you graduate, you will have acquired both IT competencies and managerial skills. This interdisciplinary course of study will enable you to quickly grasp important concepts and interdependencies, effectively recognize the nature of problems, and familiarize yourself with new subject areas in an efficient manner. Graduates may also decide to further enhance their knowledge with a consecutive MSc program.
Your Career Prospects
- All corporate functions related to information technology
- System development
- System analysis
- User support
- IT controlling
- IT organisation
- Alle sectors using information technology
- Controlling
- Logistics
- Procurement
- Distribution
- Marketing
Program Structure and Admission Requirements
As Flexible as You
Full-time students take six semesters, part-time students eight semesters to complete the program. If you prefer to study part-time, classroom instruction will be on one day and (max.) two evenings a week as well as on Saturday morning. This would enable you to immediately apply what you are learning in an occupation not exceeding a 60% workload.
What You Need to Qualify
- A federally recognized vocational baccalaureate: no entrance exam or additional professional experience required
- A non-commercial vocational baccalaureate: no entrance exam required; at least one year of regular work experience in the commercial field
- A federally recognized academic baccalaureate: no entrance exam required; at least one year of regular work experience in the commercial field
BSc Brochure (in German)

In 2019, this program was awarded the PREMIUM seal by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) for its excellent quality in study and teaching.
The detailed assessment and further information about the accreditations of the ZHAW School of Management and Law can be found here.