Institute of Wealth & Asset Management

“There is a strong demand for high-quality products and solutions in the financial centre. The main drivers are increasing requirements in terms of sustainability and technical innovations, especially in the areas of data science and machine learning. We address these cross-cutting issues with interdisciplinary teams.”
Prof. Dr. Peter Schwendner, Head Institute of Wealth & Asset Management
The Institute for Wealth & Asset Management (IWA) is a partner of various domestic and foreign institutions in research and business and makes a targeted contribution to the qualification of professionals in the financial services industry.
As part of our assignment in academic education, we offer a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Banking and Finance.
Our research in asset management focuses on the need for transparency triggered by sustainable finance as well as innovations made possible by machine learning. A concrete example is our BRIDGE Discovery project In wealth management, the focus is on business and client processes as well as new service models and corporate governance. Quantitative finance and data sciences are further core topics.
What we are up to

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The lecturers and research assistants of the Institute of Wealth & Asset Management teach in the bachelor's degree programs in Business Administration - Specialization Banking and Finance and Master in Banking and Finance in the fields of banking, finance, insurance as well as in other courses of study at the ZHAW School of Management and Law.
Our Continuing Education offer includes comprehensive certificate courses as well as specific courses and seminars. The offer is constantly reviewed and updated according to the latest findings from science and practice. On request, we carry out tailor-made in-house training courses as well as workshops on future and succession planning for entrepreneurs.
Research and Consulting
In the area of Research and Consulting, we examine various aspects of our main topics Asset Management, Personal Finance & Wealth Management as well as Data Science & Econometrics. Large research projects are usually supported with federal funds (Innosuisse) and we also participate in EU-funded research projects.
Our research findings flow directly into our consulting projects, which we carry out on behalf of national and international financial service providers such as banks, pension funds or insurance companies. Numerous different forms of cooperation are conceivable, from student project work to comprehensive analyses and business consulting. If necessary, we draw on the expertise of our competent partners at home and abroad.
Further Engagement
The results of the research projects enable a wide range of other services. The Institute for Wealth & Asset Management is specifically committed to the two main topics of Sustainable Finance and Pension Provision for sustainable economic and social development.

The Institute of Wealth & Asset Management is organizing several events on different topics. Please find more information here.