Double Degree Program with Rennes School of Business
The double degree program will provide the opportunity to graduate students from both institutions to simultaneously pursue the Master degree from ZHAW School of Management and Law (ZHAW) and Rennes School of Business (Rennes).

Upon successful completion of the double degree program, the following degrees will be awarded by the partner institutions:
Within the program, students will stay the first year at the home university and the second at the host university.
About the Double Degree Partner – Rennes School of Business
Rennes School of Business (Rennes) is a prestigious and renowned business school in Europe. It is triple accredited by the leading institutions of Higher Education: AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA. During the past years, Rennes could continuously reach high positions in the French business school rankings. In the Financial Times Ranking 2024-2025, Rennes ranked 56th under the category “Best European Business Schools” and 88th under the category “Best Master in Management Programs” in 2024. In the ranking “Le Figaro”, Rennes reached rank 17 for French Business Schools.
Program Structure
The intended period of study for the double degree program is two years (4 semesters). Double degree students will spend their first year at the home university, the second year at the host university. Full information shall be provided to the host university on the courses that participants have taken at their home university and vice versa.
Double degree students shall have access to courses and enjoy the same rights and privileges and be subject to the same rules and regulations as the regular graduate students in the corresponding Master study track of the host university. They will be registered as degree students at the host university only for the parts of the study program that will be carried out under the responsibility of the host university. Students admitted for the double degree program will complete the study program details as set out below.
Study Program for the Double Degree
Master Thesis at ZHAW and Graduating Project at Rennes

In addition to the mandatory coursework at both universities, the double degree student is required to write a Master thesis. All students of this double degree programme will write Master thesis at ZHAW. The Master thesis at ZHAW is worth 12 ECTS. The partner universities assure the legal and organizational preconditions required for enabling the double degree students to start the Master thesis in their second study year.
The Master thesis shall be supervised by the faculty member from ZHAW and can be reviewed by a faculty member from Rennes, ensuring in this way joint supervision of the Master thesis. The language of the Master thesis is English.
Part of the completion of the Master thesis at ZHAW is a defence of the thesis. Faculty members of both Rennes and the ZHAW shall participate in the defence. The defence will be conducted in English.
Students on the Rennes Master in Management programme are required to complete a Graduating Project following the required four- to six-month internship. The Graduating Project is worth 12 ECTS. The double degree student can combine the ZHAW Master thesis with the Rennes Graduating Project Report as long as the legal and academic constraints of both institutions are met.
Selection and Documents
Candidates for the double degree program will be selected by their home university according to selection criteria jointly defined and agreed upon by Rennes and ZHAW. Due to the higher workload compared to the ordinary Master study tracks at the partner universities, only highly qualified students shall be selected for the double degree program. Each institution has the right to admit up to 5 students per year to the double degree program.
The double degree candidates must satisfy all admission requirements of the host institution, including:
- language proficiency requirements – all double degree candidates must provide evidence of a satisfactory level of English language proficiency Level C1 according to the requirements of the Common European Framework (CEF). Please refer to the MSc in International Business website for further details.
- good knowledge on Bachelor level of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Statistics.

All students on the double degree program that are admitted under a bilateral arrangement must register and pay tuition and other required fees at their home university. The host university will provide incoming double degree students with tuition fee waivers.
The students are responsible for paying any other pertinent fees required for regular degree students at each university, including the administrative fees at Rennes and ZHAW.
The host university has the right to not accept a double degree candidate from the home institution for academic rationales or any other substantial reasons.
Important Information – Double Degree Rennes School of Business
Please note that only students already enrolled on the ZHAW MSc in International Business can apply for a Double Degree with Rennes School of Business. The specific application arrangement for the Double Degree will be confirmed by the ZHAW degree program head.